Nowa choroba mózgu atakująca głównie kobiety młode
Wpisał: Eileen Dannemann   

Nowa choroba mózgu  atakująca głównie kobiety młode


Szczepienia możliwą przyczyną


Eileen Dannemann (dyrektor National Coalition of Organized Women, USA), przekład Piotr Bein.


“Kobiety w USA i ich lekarze walczą z nowo odkrytą chorobą mózgu, atakującą głównie kobiety młode. 15-latka dostała zapalenia mózgu po szczepieniu na tężec / dyfteryt / krztusiec i chorobę Heinego-Medina (TdaP-IPV).


Szczepionki na grypę zawierające rtęć spowodowały wzrost śmiertelności płodów w sezonie 2009 / 2010. Ośrodek Kontroli Chorób USA (CDC) zalecił wtedy podwójne dawki ciężarnym. Następnie CDC ukryło swą pomyłkę i wprowadziło publikę w błąd, jakoby szczepionka na grypę była bezpieczna dla ciężarnych. Toteż Komitet Doradczy Praktyk Immunizacyjnych (ACIP) zalecił kontynuować szczepienia ciężarnych i dodać do nich domaciczną szczepionkę DTaP dla immunizacji płodu.


Nowa koncepcja szczepień domacicznych dla dobra płodu to nieprzetestowany hokus pokus medyczny. Ciężarne są królikami doświadczalnymi! Położne i ginekolodzy w USA wypełniają obecnie zalecenia ACIP i szczepią ciężarne przeciw grypie z adjuwantem rtęciowym, jak również domacicznie dla płodu. Nie ma wiarygodnej nauki n.t. bezpieczeństwa tych procedur. Wobec tego, co robi domaciczne szczepienie mózgowi płodu?


Prof. Majewska: Widziałam te dane, jutro przygotuję opracowanie po polsku i roześlę, żeby ostrzec Polki.  To może być reakcja na szczepionki HPV jak i na inne. Szczepienia stają się coraz bardziej zabójcze i zawierają coraz więcej toksyn.



Po angielsku mamy więcej informacji – czy ktoś może podjąć się tłumaczenia?

“Women in the United States and their doctors have been struggling with a newly discovered brain disease that attacks mainly young women. It has been recently reported that hospitalized women in Philadelphia have had seizures and appeared possessed, crying or laughing hysterically one moment and turning catatonic the next. The women have been diagnosed with an autoimmune illness discovered six years ago called: Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis.

One doctor explained that the illness strikes the brain with antibodies and causes it to swell. A woman who was hospitalized for weeks says, “He told them her brain is on fire.” A spinal fluid test can spot the disease and immunotherapy can treat it. There is no known cure, however, and all patients face possible relapses. A former patient is trying to get the word out that, “there could be people in comas right now or people stuck in psych wards that have this disease and aren’t being treated properly.”

Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis was first recognized as a paraneoplastic syndrome in young women with ovarian teratoma. Studies have shown that about 40% of the patients with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis do not have a clinically detectable tumor, and that men and children are also affected. What may trigger the disorder, especially in patients without an associated neoplasm is unknown.

A 15-year-old female patient was diagnosed with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis after receiving a booster vaccination against tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis and polio (TdaP-IPV). The unique pattern of clinical symptoms led to the consideration of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the detection of anti-NMDAR antibodies in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. Other possible causes of encephalopathy including intoxication, infectious and metabolic diseases were ruled out and repetitive brain scans showed no abnormalities. After the diagnosis was confirmed, an extensive tumor search took place and a biopsy of a prominent ovarian cyst revealed no teratoma. The onset of prodromal symptoms shortly after the immunization suggests that the vaccination was a possible trigger of the anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.”

Źródło 1:
Źródło 2:


“New Women’s brain disease: Vaccines possible trigger.
Women in the United States and their doctors have been struggling with a newly discovered brain disease that attacks mainly young women.
Report about a 15-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis after receiving a booster vaccination against tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis and polio (TdaP-IPV) (…)

The flu shot with mercury for pregnant women caused an increase of 4,250% fetal deaths in the 2009/10 flu season. The CDC recommended double dosing these women.  The CDC hid their mistakes and misled the public with false publicity that the Flu shot was safe for pregnant women.  This led to the ACIP recommending to continue the flu shot for pregnant women and to add the Dtap shot in-utero with the idea of immunizing the fetus.  This new concept of immunizing the child in-utero is untested junk science.  Pregnant women are being experimented on!    Ob/Gyn’s in the United States are currently following the ACIP recommendations to inject pregnant women with the flu shot with mercury and the Dtap shot-inutero. There is no reliable safety science for this.  In light of the above article…what will the Tdap do to the brain development of the female fetus?”
