We are in the final battle with satan and the time is short. Father Gruner
Wpisał: Father Nicholas Gruner   

We are in the final battle with satan and the time is short.

Father Gruner, 1942-2015 Requiescat In Pace


Posted on May 2, 2015  http://www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/2015/05/02/fr-gruner-1942-2015-requiescat-in-pace

Father Nicholas Gruner died of a heart attack on Wednesday April 29th 2015.  He was just days short of his 73rd birthday.  I never knew him, but always admired his stance on promoting the truth about Fatima.  I do know that he was persecuted very much by the liberal Catholic Church hierarchy.

I am sad to hear of his death, but at the same time I am happy his suffering for Jesus’ Church and Mary in this world is over.  The pope and liberal bishops can no longer hurt him.  He no longer has to hear about all the terrible sacrilegious things that go on in the Holy Church of Jesus Christ.  He no longer has to see the sinful condition of our society.  He no longer has to hear about the terrible laws that support sin and the killing of babies in their mother’s womb.  He is free and will be rewarded by God for suffering for truth.

My friend sent me a letter that Fr. Gruner sent out of March 12, 2015.  Here is what it said.

‘I recently returned from Rome, where I went to attend the February installation of the new cardinals.  But while I was there, something happened - something soul-shaking! that I did not expect!  I spoke to Father Gabriel Amorth, the world’s most famous living exorcist.  His words shook me a few things ever have!  Fr. Amorth told me that we have but a short time left before the chastisements predicted by Our Lady of Fatima begin to rip our world apart in ways we can hardly imagine!  

How long? Less than 8 months!

Fr. Amorth told me that unless the consecration of Russia is performed – as our Lady Asked! – by the end of October, 2015, the dark prophecies of Fatima may well come to pass any day after that!

Why did Father Gabriel Amorth tell this to me?  So that our Lady’s Apostolate will raise its voice – as never before- to shout the message of Fatima from the Rooftops!   And to do this, we must stand together.  We must marshal all of our resources, all of our strength and – Wake the world from sleepwalking to its doom!

There is no accidents.  All is Providence!  Fr. Amorth is at 85 [no, he is 90. MD] , still the chief exorcist of Rome.  He has performed tens of thousands of exorcisms and written several books on the subject.  He was the handpicked successor of Father Candido, his famed saintly predecessor who himself had special spiritual gifts.  Father Amorth knows we are in the final battle with satan and the time is short.

I have met and spoken to Father Amorth many times over the years.  This is the first time he has ever told me in plain language how much time we have left – exactly – before the manifest chastisements of the world could begin!’