"Just a small local story" in Canada: Raping ten teenaged girls, exploiting, extorting- in SILENCE!!
Wpisał: Walid Mustapha Chalhoub   

“Just a small local story” in Canada: Raping ten teenaged girls, sexually assaulting, exploiting, extorting- in TOTAL SILENCE!!


Have you heard about Walid Mustapha Chalhoub?


He’s a 33-year-old Muslim migrant to Canada. He came here in 2007, but he’s still a foreign citizen.
And this week he was convicted of sexually assaulting, exploiting, extorting and raping 
ten teenaged girls in Montreal.
He would lure these teenagers - still just school girls - to his home, offer them alcohol and drugs, and then rape them. He’d film it, and tell the girls that if they didn’t comply with him, he’d upload the videos to the Internet, publicly shame them, and even attack their parents.
He made these girls sign bizarre “contracts”, demanding that he be allowed to rape them — or they had to pay him thousands of dollars.

He trapped them. Exploited them. Extorted them. Ten girls. You can see my video with
the shocking details by clicking here.
I should warn you, the facts are not for the faint of heart.

Yesterday, Chalhoub was sentenced to 11 years in jail. Which means he’ll be out on day parole in
just two years.

But I have a question for you: why haven’t you heard of this story?

It’s a crime of Paul Bernardo-level depravity. Absolutely cruelty; pure evil. Ten lives destroyed. A serial rapist.

And yet, the mainstream media has buried it. The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, National Post - all silent. Even the Montreal Gazette hid the story as small as they could.

It’s the most brutal crime in Montreal since Luka Magnotta. But not a peep from the national media.


Well, you know why.
Because he’s Muslim. And a migrant. And the media doesn’t like to report crimes like that. They want to pretend that Muslim migrants are just like you and me - that they share our values, including the Canadian way to treat women.

But as the recent wave of mass rapes in Germany shows, Muslim migrants come from a rape culture, and many have brought it with them to the West.

But judge for yourself — 
watch my video, by clicking here. Is it, as the CBC calls it, just a small local story?

Or is it a shocking crime of national proportions — that the mainstream media is doing their best to bury?

Yours truly,
Ezra Levant

P.S. This story is
too politically incorrect for the CBC and the Globe and Mail. But it’s the truth, and we need to report it. If you believe we should continue to do the journalism the mainstream media won’t, please chip in to cover our editorial costs — by clicking here. Unlike the CBC, we don’t get a billion dollars a year — we’re 100% user funded. Thank you.

Zmieniony ( 15.01.2016. )