UN Wants Barriers to Terror Financing Lowered in the Name of "Humanitarianism"
Wpisał: Austin Ruse   

UN Wants Barriers to Terror Financing Lowered in the Name of “Humanitarianism




Something truly strange is being proposed at the UN. In the name of humanitarianism, UN staff want barriers to terror financing lowered.

They say this would allow for a freer flow of money to humanitarian groups working in war-torn areas. This will be debated at the World Humanitarian Summit this May in Istanbul.


The other thing about that conference is the UN is blocking widespread participation of non-governmental groups, and is also not telling governments about what is expected to happen. Susan Yoshihara reports

Kate Gilmore, a leftist ideologue, has been given a huge appointment in the UN human rights apparatus. Gilmore used to work at Amnesty International and led the effort there to have AI become a global advocate for the killing of unborn children. She left Amnesty under a cloud of scandal. Wendy Wright reports. 

At Turtle Bay and Beyond, Rebecca Oas reports on how “family planning” professionals talk out of both sides of their mouths. 

Spread the word. Be Brave. 

Yours sincerely, 

Austin Ruse, President