Satanist Falanx and KGB | |
Wpisał: Malachi Martin | |
31.03.2010. | |
Satanist Falanx and KGB [teraz sataniści, których wciśnięto do Kościoła (u nas robiło to UB rekrutując pedziów do seminariów), zaczynają krzyczeć, że Kościół "toleruje" satanistów.. Domagają się pieniędzy dla -swoich przecież - ofiar. Ich Książę jest Ojcem Kłamstwa, wiemy od dawna. md] Malachi Martin, Windswept House p.433 Appleyard ran quickly through the folders. "But what do you suppose Herr Otto Sekuler's business is? In Brussels last year, he billed himself as the CSCE's ( Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) special Liaison-Delegate to the European Community. People I spoke to in Rome connect him with UNESCO and with the Leipzig Lodge. He's also the chairman of WOSET, which is a minor member of the UN's nongovernmental section. Something to do with world ethics. But according to this tracking data, he shapes up as a stranger duck than that." "He's mainly a lecturer, I'd say," Vance put in. "In any case, he's no threat to national security." "Maybe." Appleyard scanned the file through all the same. Sekuler spent a fair amount of time in the States and drew liberally on two foreign- source accounts in major banks of five U.S. cities. He lived mainly in private hotels, and was on intimate terms with such eminent public personalities as the Cardinal of Centurycity and the celebrated scholar Dr. Ralph S. Channing, among many others. In fact, Herr Sekuler was a bit of a celebrity himself, a man called upon as a frequent speaker for several dozen philanthropic and cultural organizations patronized by architects, physicians, engineers, university professors and prelates of both the Catholic and the Protestant persuasion. A number of those organizations had been investigated by public authorities for cultist behavior, but that was about all that could be reliably documented about Sekuler's activities in America. The anecdotal side of the record, on the other hand, included a darker dimension. There was nothing remarkable in the fact that Sekuler held private meetings with top-level officials of the principal pro-choice organizations and that witnesses to those meetings pegged him as pro-choice. But Gib drew in his breath as he scanned the ,report of one singular meeting where, for the' benefit of some twenty-five abortuary professionals gathered in the operating room of a private clinic, the German had demonstrated the latest method of dealing with the carcasses of aborted babies. "In a brief preamble to his demonstration" -Appleyard read the text aloud-"the subject of this surveillance assured his audience that there need be no more trouble with blocked drains, or with unpleasant discoveries in public trash containers, or with nuisance demonstrations by extremists. "The subject said nothing. He had brought with him a valise, and several metal cases about the size of double filing boxes. From the valise he extracted and assembled the parts of what amounted to a newly designed and technically advanced grinder. From the metal cases he removed fresh fetal body parts in various states of development, which he used to demonstrate the most efficient and sanitary means by which to reduce that material to a semi-liquid that could be caught in a basin and washed into the sewer system as safely and inoffensively as pink toothpaste. "The subject assured his audience that he was advocating no radical change in the normal running of abortuaries. There was no question of depriving themselves of income from researchers who required live fetuses for the study of pain tolerance or for work on such afflictions as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases and diabetes. Nor was there any thought of leaving cosmetic companies short of material for skin collagen or of neglecting the cult market interested in using fatty tissue for candles. The new system was neither more nor less than an improved method of dealing with troublesome leftovers." Gibson closed the Sekuler dossier and tossed it onto Vance's desk. "Nice company I've been keeping." "You're not alone. If you noticed, there are plenty of endorsements here, including one from Cyrus Benthoek, attesting to Sekuler's standing as an international servant and humanitarian." That was cold comfort for Appleyard. Endorsements or not, there was too little information of substance. Nothing really tangible about the source of Sekuler's funds. Nothing about his superiors; or even if he had any superiors. "We're looking at a ghost, Bud. There's no ID track on the individual. But, [...] given what we do know about Sekuler, it's disturbing that he was invited to discuss the future of the papacy. And it makes me think about the fact that Palombo and Pensabene are being mentioned as papal candidates". |
Zmieniony ( 02.04.2010. ) |