Pets outnumber children 4 to 1 in America
Wpisał: John Horvat   

Pets outnumber children 4 to 1 in America


Dear Miss F...,

The fertility rate per woman in the United States is 1.7, which is below replacement level.

         Yet pets outnumber children 4 to 1 in America.

And new evidence shows that pets are being treated like human family members.

         There is something wrong here. Everyone knows that a nation without strong and moral families gradually withers and dies. This is not an economic problem but a moral one that lies deep inside the soul of the nation. And what America needs is a return to order.

Below, you will read articles that show how that return can happen. Please read them and pass them on to friends and family.

The Case for a Return

Why the Family Needs the State: Perfect and Imperfect Societies

Who Will Declare the Party’s Over?

What’s Really Wrong with Our Economy?


                Plus, please see this report on the victorious rosary rally against Satan in Portland, Oregon:

Portland Say NO to Satan Clubs


Thank you.

Wishing you a very blessed week, I remain,

John Horvat
Vice-President, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)