Wishing for Global Warming [Zima w czerwcu w USA] | |
Wpisał: Dr. Mark Sircus | |
18.06.2017. | |
Wishing for Global Warming[Zima w czerwcu w USA]
Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD Published on June 16, 2017 http://drsircus.com/world-news/wishing-global-warming/
This year camping over Memorial Day weekend in Southern Idaho was a little different than it has been in past. “Reservoir beaches are under water. New creeks have formed where creeks previously did not exist, and you may have woken up to snow. ” USA Today jokingly calls it “California’s endless winter.” That is snow in the above picture on June 13 in Wyoming. The below chart shows solar activity crashing down. With the lowest sunspot count in a hundred years, with agricultural sectors hit hard and food prices continuing to spiral up, what USA Today said is not funny. The weekend of June 11, 2017 saw more snow in California and thoughtful people are starting to think of using more than tar and feathers to put certain individuals from NOAA and NASA in their place. Heavy snow is falling in northern Nevada as well but no one in Washington or in the press thinks anything of it. In fact, the National Weather Service issued a winter advisory, and it is almost the middle of June and they are having record cold. I know it is not easy to think with facts in this world of climate lies but solar cycle 24 has seen very low solar activity thus far meaning the last thing we need to be afraid of is global warming. Dr. L.E. Kaiser writes, “It’s already the month of June and both air and water temperatures are well behind the seasonally adjusted “global warming = climate change = frying planet” conditions that were proclaimed by so many climate doomsters.”
One has to go to this link to see the impossible. In a world of fantasies about record warmth, we are seeing a rapid expansion of sea ice in the first half of May. Much of the growth is due to Barents adding 85k m2 of ice in a period of only 5 days to reach 572k km2. Do not be misled by reports of declining sea ice in the Arctic. Meanwhile, on the Atlantic side of the Arctic, we have sightings and reports of ice surges along the coast of Newfoundland, such amounts not seen since the 1980s. You have the power to open the door for a better health and understanding of your body! Here is the Key
At a time when ice should be melting, it is expanding in May at a rapid rate and we learn that during the same month Moscow had its coldest May since 1918. Why do we not hear this news in the mainstream press? “Major cold plunges hit Europe April and May 2017.” “The developing Mini-Ice-Age is now in a NEW PHASE and here to stay 20 years” says Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist of WeatherAction. Scientists, aboard an icebreaker, had to abandon their expedition because of hazardous ice conditions. Ice chunks measured 16 to 26 feet (5 to 8 m) thick. According to the Canadian Coast Guard, the conditions were unlike anything ever seen before in the area.
Al Gore predicted that the Arctic ice cap could completely disappear by 2014. He was so wrong about that and everything else. New data released by NASA two years ago revealed that the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since satellite measurements began in 1979. Not only is polar ice not receding, it is now quite possibly at its greatest extent in at least 97 years. How many times have we heard the press hysterical about the melting caps yet we see Forbes two years ago reporting on NASA’s findings. Less than a week after President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord hundreds of U.S. businesses declared a “We Are Still In” campaigns that plan on honoring the pact that is hinged on one of the greatest lies every told. Al Gore continues to be the climate idiot of the ages saying that Trump’s decision to withdraw from Paris Agreement ‘threatens the ability of humanity to solve the climate crisis in time.’ Meanwhile, “Unusually heavy Arctic pack ice has trapped multiple vessels, stymied the fishing season and triggered a high-stakes rescue operation from a sinking ship off Newfoundland,” says an article on CTV Coast Atlantic. The heavy ice is more than two meters thick in some areas off the province’s northeast coast. He said ice conditions are so bad the Coast Guard has been unable to free trapped vessels with its icebreaker Amundsen. Three fishing vessels remain trapped in ice off northeastern Newfoundland. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, even though Arctic sea ice hit its second-lowest extent on record in 2016, tying with 2007, some 1.6 million square miles of ice remained. That is a lot more than zero ice coverage. In fact, that is more than half the size of all 48 contiguous United States
By the way, it was snowing in Moscow on June 2. In the southern end of our planet, the mercury plummeted to 2.9C in Adelaide recently, making it the city’s coldest start to winter since 1943. Elsewhere in South Australia temperatures dropped even lower, with Yunta -4.7C, Renmark -3.2C and Loxton, Snowtown and Murray Bridge -1.9C, according to the Bureau of Meteorology
No one can stand out in public and deny manmade global warming without being attacked by a hornet’s nest of climate wasps. Ever since President Trump said he would withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate change pact, reporters have been asking if the president — who during the campaign pronounced global warming a “hoax” — still rejects the worldwide scientific and political consensus that the climate is changing as a result of human activity. They haven’t gotten an answer. On Monday, deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders promised Yahoo News White House correspondent Hunter Walker a response by the end of the day, then failed to produce one. Tuesday morning, the entire on-air team of “Morning Joe” pressed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to give a yes-or-no answer. They failed. Why? The press and just about every politician around the world is sold on global warming. Their belief has turned them into sharks ready to rip anyone to shreds who suggest that they are nothing more than religious fanatics who have not a care in the world for what is true or not. Therefore, Trump is keeping his mouth shut while taking the United States out of the Paris treaty. Conclusion
“After decades of research with billions of research funds spent, there is less scientific evidence than ever before of any linkage between carbon dioxide levels in the air and the global mean temperature, or the proclaimed “catastrophic” ocean level rise. Au contraire, increasingly the evidence points to CO2 as a global atmospheric cooling agent and some sea levels are even falling,” concludes Dr. Kaiser. |
Zmieniony ( 18.06.2017. ) |