Masowe protesty przeciw terrorowi szczepień we Włoszech
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Masowe protesty przeciw terrorowi szczepień we Włoszech.

Protests against mandatory vaccination in Italy, France, Germany
Secretary European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFVV)
London, United Kingdom

Jul 22, 2017 — Over the last month, there have been large demonstrations against mandatory vaccination all over Italy, one almost every day. Dates below. For more information on some of these protests, see

• 11th July: Torino
• 12th July: Trasta (GE), Cuneo
• 13th July: Genova, Firenze
• 14th July: Matera, Cesenatico, Pescara, Varese
• 15th July: Assisi, Pordenone, Novara
• 16th July: Lecco, Salerno, Intra
• 17th July: Borgnano di Cormons, Follonica, Brescia, Cicagna
• 18th July: Roma, Ravenna, Empoli
• 19th July: Modena, Saluzzo, Florence
• 2oth July: Marina di Massa, Lucca
• 21st July: Vicenza
• 22nd July: Milano, Rome
• 23rd July: Como
• 24th July: Roma
• 25th July: Prato
• 26th July: Castano Primo (MI), Lavagna
• 27th July: Florence
• 28th July: Pavia, Bolzano
• 29th July: Trieste

Zmieniony ( 28.07.2017. )