carbon tax: nonsense and robbery... | |
Wpisał: financialsense | |
05.07.2010. | |
carbon tax: nonsense and robbery...
Q: Do you think we’ll see a carbon tax – cap-and-trade and all that? Bustin:Absolutely. Katusa:Whether you like it or not, it’s coming. While we all know it’s complete nonsense, if there is one certainty in today’s world, it is that the governments are going to tax whatever they can, and most of the people who support the current government in the U.S. believe that a carbon tax is good because they’re taxing the bad polluting companies that have billions of dollars in their banks. So it's coming. Right now the voluntary market for CO2 is trading around $8-10 per ton, but in Europe, which has a mandatory market, the cost is double that. That's a big cost.