Reintegration tax to cover the costs of mov­ing 3.3 mil­lion Jews to Poland!
Wpisał: Sławomir Sierakowsk JRMiP   

Reintegration tax to cover the costs of mov­ing 3.3 mil­lion Jews to Poland!

The First International Congress of the JRMiP in Berlin

May 11th - 13th, 2012,

How should the EU change in order to wel­come the Other?

How should Poland change within a re-imagined EU?

How should Israel change to become part of the Middle East?


[komentarz „głupiego goja”:

teraz już wiem w jakim celu nie tylko zrobili Smoleńsk, ale i po co były awantury pod pałacem.

Mieliśmy być otumanieni (Stunned) aby nie przeszkadzać ]

Here is my pro­posal for changes in Poland:

1. Polish cit­i­zen­ship to Reintegration tax to cover the costs of mov­ing 3.3 mil­lion Jews to Poland!all immi­grants! 

2. Reintegration tax to cover the costs of mov­ing 3.3 mil­lion Jews to Poland! 

3. Hebrew as the sec­ond offi­cial lan­guage in Poland!

4. Dismissal notice of the Polish state con­cern­ing the con­cor­dat with the Vatican state –
each reli­gious insti­tu­tion should act on the same level! 

5. Minorities House instead of Senate in Polish Parliament!

Once again I wish you ties and imagination!

and Europe will be stunned!

Sławomir Sierakowsk

December 16th, 2010
Zmieniony ( 28.02.2018. )