We, the PEOPLE:Donald Trump: Please do not sign incoming 447 -Justice for Uncompensated Surv.(JUST)
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We, the PEOPLE:

POTUS Donald Trump: Please do not sign incoming 447 - Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017.


Created by P.P. on April 22, 2018

[nie wiem, czy to tylko dla obywateli USA? Jak i czy sprawdzają? MD]

Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017 includes "article three" which states: the restitution of heirless property to assist needy Holocaust survivors.

"Restitution of heirless property" based on tribe-ethnical background is unprecedented in the law history and will lead to havoc in many areas.

In particular this act is aimed against Poland which gave shelter to so many polish citizens of jewish origin in the past. "Holocaust Organisations" claim from Poland at least sixty five billion $ of heirless property.

It is unjust & unfair.

Zmieniony ( 29.04.2018. )