"... the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God." --- FIGHT the good fight !!
Wpisał: TFPStudentAction   

"... the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God."

FIGHT the good fight !!

The gates of Hell shall not prevail.


Urge Sacred Heart University to Cancel Lecture by Pro-LGBT Activist Priest Fr. James Martin, S.J.




Click here to sign your peaceful protest




Dear catholic




"... the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God." 




This quote of Pope Paul VI is so true.  How do I know?




Because some pastors act like wolves rather than shepherds.




For example, Fr. James Martin, S.J.




He's slated to give a pro-homosexual talk titled "Showing Respect and Welcome in the Church to LGBT People" at Sacred Heart University in Connecticut on January 29, 2019.

Like a wolf in sheep's clothing:

Fr. Martin supports transgenderism for children

Fr. Martin promoted a sacrilegious "rainbow rosary"

Fr. Martin said Catholics should "reverence" homosexual unions

Fr. Martin favors homosexual kissing during Mass (sacrilege)

Fr. Martin said homosexuals should be "invited" to be Eucharistic ministers 


Click here to urge Sacred Heart University -- which has 8,958 students -- to find a true Catholic speaker to replace Fr. Martin on Jan. 29, 2019.

It's particularly troubling that Fr. Martin's talk is being sponsored by The Office of Mission & Catholic Identity at Sacred Heart.




It's also shocking to see Fr. Martin favor transgenderism for children.  

Especially now -- as the homosexual movement pushes gender-bending "Drag Queen Story Hours" in public libraries across the nation for children as young as 3.




In fact, Fr. Martin's push to normalize unnatural vice inside the Church, prompted Catholic leaders to cancel some of his appearances.




The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre disinvited Fr. Martin from speaking at its gala event in New York City.  The Catholic University of America also canceled an appearance by the pro-homosexual priest.




But your voice is needed right now to help young souls:




Just click here to ask Sacred Heart University to cancel Fr. Martin's speech on campus and find a true Catholic speaker who respects Catholic moral teaching and honors God's law.




Not only is Fr. Martin's position at odds with the Bible, but also with natural law, Papal documents, the Fathers of the Church, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and countless saints.




What can we do about this crisis?




We must stand with God




, His Church, and His saints.  And stay faithful to 2,000 years of Catholic teaching.




 With prayerful discernment -- you and I must 




help young souls




reject the "smoke of Satan."  We must fortify our Faith and help others in the storm.




 Despite the crisis, we must always remember the promise of Our Divine Savior:  

The gates of Hell shall not prevail.

Our Lord is the Good Shepherd, the One who will lead us to Heaven if we remain faithful.




"The sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out... and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice" (John 10:4-5).




After you 

sign your protest, please share it.




Thank you for fighting the good fight.

John RitchieTFP Student Action, Director www.tfpstudentaction.org

Zmieniony ( 04.01.2019. )