And if the pope is a heretic, too?
Wpisał: Steve Skojec, one-peter-five   



And if the pope is a heretic, too?


A concerned Catholic man comes to visit a holy and wise old monk to talk about the problems in the Church.

The man asks the monk, “What do I do if my priest is a heretic?”

“Go to the bishop,” the monk answers.

“Well, what do I do if the bishop is also a heretic?” the man asks.

“Go to the pope,” the monk replies.

“And if the pope is a heretic, too?” the man pleads.

“Then find out what Catholics have always done, and do that.

It is the same for us. We do what we can to correct these errors, but after that, not an ounce of our worrying or arguing or torturing ourselves trying to make sense of what is happening or how it is happening is going to change the fact that it is happening.

We can only do our best to spread the Faith within our sphere of influence, learn the Faith better than we know it now, and live the Faith the best we can.

Zmieniony ( 29.03.2019. )