Śmierć pnia mózgu nie istnieje. Polscy chirurdzy wycinają serca żyjącym ludziom. Przegląd video.
Wpisał: Gosia Kowalski   



 Śmierć pnia mózgu nie istnieje. Polscy chirurdzy wycinają serca żyjącym ludziom.

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Gosia Kowalski <gosia2712@yahoo.co.uk>

Subject: 21 czerwiec 2019   --  Śmierć pnia mózgu nie istnieje. Polscy chirurdzy wycinają serca żyjącym jeszcze ludziom


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(kazdy Polak na swiecie MUSI zobaczyc te video I poznac prawde!! Polacy- podpisujcie za zycia domunent ze nie chcecie by wasze organy lub bliskiej rodziny donowano do przeszczepow!!)-  Profesor Talar w wywiadzie mowi o dokumencie by podpisac zeby nie byc zywym donorem organow.

1.     Prof. Jan Talar: Śmierć pnia mózgu nie istnieje. 

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Prof. Jan TalarŚmierć pnia mózgu nie istniejePolscy chirurdzy wycinają serca żyjącym jeszcze ludziom. W Polsce dokonuje się eutanazji na żywych ludziach… Polscy …

1.     Profesor Jan Talar

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Śpiączka mózgowa, a tak zwana śmierć mózgu” została opracowana przez niezwykle doświadczonego specjalistę rehabilitacji prof. Jana Talara, wybitnego autorytetu medycznego w dziedzinie wybudzania pacjentów ze śpiączki mózgowej. Dzieło zawiera trzy zasadnicze elementy: strategię skutecznego, kompleksowego ...

1.     Jan Talar – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

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Jan Włodzimierz Talar (ur. 17 listopada 1945) – polski lekarz, nauczyciel akademicki i profesor nauk medycznych. Specjalista od rehabilitacji, rehabilitacji medycznej i chirurgii. Znany z dużej skuteczności wybudzania ze śpiączki pourazowej (w ciągu 40 lat wybudził ok. …

1.     Profesor Jan Talar - Home | Facebook


Profesor Jan Talar. 468 likes. Absolwent medycyny na Wojskowej Akademii Medycznej im. gen. dyw. Bolesława Szareckiego (1970). 26 czerwca 1986 na Wydziale...

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o    Author: niezaleznatelewizja

1.     prof. Talar i jego pacjent - przypadkowa rejestracja w 2012


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13/04/2016 · Kilka uwag prof. Talara skierowanych do młodych terapeutów na temat stymulacji masażem małych pacjentów z przypadkiem śpiączki mózgowej i urazem mózgu

1.     Profesor Jan Talar: nie stwierdzałem nigdy śmierci …

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Podczas czwartkowej konferencji w siedzibie KEP poświęconej transplantologii profesor Jan Talar skrytykował obowiązujące we współczesnej medycynie zasady dotyczące orzekania o śmierci oraz podkreślił, że ani tak zwana śmierć mózgowa, ani zatrzymanie krążenia nie muszą świadczyć o

1.     PROF JAN TALAR - forum, dyskusje, rozmowy

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05/02/2005 · Profesor Talar ma dziś nie lada kłopoty: najsłynniejszego w Polsce rehabilitanta zwolniono z kliniki, którą sam zakładał. Nieoczekiwanie i w najgorszym z możliwych momentów. Wkrótce, jak zapowiada, ma ogłosić wyniki swoich wieloletnich badań i doświadczeń. ...


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US-Iran: Trump says military was 'cocked and loaded' to retaliate

The wreckage of the USA dron – pictures from Iranian tv

President Donald Trump has said the US military was "cocked and loaded to retaliate" against Iran, but he changed his mind 10 minutes before planned strikes.

Attacks on three sites were planned in response to the shooting down of a US unmanned drone this week.

Mr Trump said he had called off strikes after being told 150 people would die.

He tweeted: "10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone."

The late reversal was first reported by the New York Times on Thursday night. The newspaper said the operation had been "in its early stages" when Mr Trump stood the US military down.

§  What would a US-Iran conflict look like?

§  Airlines re-route flights after Iran drone incident 

"I am in no hurry," Mr Trump said on Friday. "Our military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world." 

Mr Trump said Iran had downed the drone on Monday, despite an earlier US military statement that the incident happened at 23:35 GMT on Wednesday (04:05 Iran time on Thursday).

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....On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters. We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not....

6:03 am - 21 Jun 2019 

Tehran says the unmanned US aircraft entered Iranian airspace early on Thursday morning. The US maintains it was shot down in international airspace.

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Tensions have been escalating between the two countries, with the US recently blaming Iran for attacks on oil tankers operating in the region. Iran has announced it will soon exceed international agreed limits on its nuclear programme.

Last year, the US unilaterally pulled out of a 2015 nuclear deal aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear activities. 

"Iran can NEVER have nuclear weapons," Mr Trump said in his tweets on the aborted strikes - also revealing that increased economic sanctions against Iran were "added last night".

The US has now asked the United Nations Security Council to meet on Monday to discuss Iran, Reuters news agency reports.

What had been planned?

In its initial report, The New York Times said that as late as 19:00 local time (23:00 GMT) on Thursday, US military and diplomatic officials had still expected the strikes to take place on agreed targets, including Iranian radar and missile batteries.

"Planes were in the air and ships were in position, but no missiles had been fired when word came to stand down," the newspaper reported, citing an unnamed senior administration official.

The strikes had been set to take place just before dawn on Friday to minimise risk to the Iranian military or to civilians, the newspaper added.

Tweeting on Friday, Mr Trump said three sites had been targeted.

A handout photo made available by the US Navy provided by Northrop Grumman, a RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle conducts tests over Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland, USA 25 June 2010 The Associated Press quoted a US official as saying the strikes had been recommended by the Pentagon and had been among options presented to senior administration officials.

According to the New York Times, top Pentagon officials warned a military response could result in a spiralling escalation with risks for US forces in the region.

The operation was called off after President Trump spent most of Thursday discussing Iran with his national security advisers and congressional leaders, AP reports.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton had pushed for a hardline stance, but congressional leaders urged caution, the agency says.

Separately, Reuters quoted two Iranian officials as saying Tehran had received a message from Mr Trump through Oman overnight warning about an imminent US attack.

That report was later denied by a spokesman for Iran's national security council, who said there was no truth to it and no message was sent.

What does Iran say?

An official warned that "any attack against Iran will have regional and international consequences".

"When you violate Iranian territorial space, then we defend," Seyed Sajjadpour, one of Iran's Deputy Foreign Ministers, told the BBC.

He also said it was clear that there were members of Donald Trump's administration who were intent on overthrowing Iran's government. 

What other reaction has there been?

In the US, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said America had no appetite for war with Iran, while the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, Joe Biden, called Mr Trump's Iran strategy a "self-inflicted disaster".

Russian President Vladimir Putin said a war would be a "catastrophe with unpredictable consequences".

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged all parties to exercise maximum restraint.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an emergency order on Thursday evening prohibiting US airlines from operating in an overwater area of Tehran-controlled airspace nearby in response.

Airlines from other countries, including Britain's British Airways, the Dutch carrier KLM, Emirates, and Qantas of Australia, have also said they will re-route their flights to avoid parts of Iran.

What happened with the drone? 

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced its air force had shot down a US "spy" drone on Thursday morning after the unmanned aircraft violated Iranian airspace near Kuhmobarak in the southern province of Hormozgan.

IRGC commander-in-chief Maj-Gen Hossein Salami said the drone's downing was a "clear message" to the US that Iran's borders were "our red line".

However, US military officials maintain the drone was in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz at the time.

Map showing where both the US and Iran say a US drone was when it was shot down     ( zobacz video)

Iranian officials say two warnings were issued 10 minutes before the drone was shot down. 

Amir Ali Hajizadeh, a high-ranking officer in the IRGC, said another military aircraft, carrying 35 passengers, had been flying close to the drone. "We could have shot down that one too, but we did not," he said.

The shooting down of the drone followed accusations by the US that Iran had attacked two oil tankers with mines last Thursday just outside the Strait of Hormuz, in the Gulf of Oman


TYLKO U NAS! Niemiecki ruch oporu w Polsce

– Totalna opozycja wspierana przez niemieckich polityków i niemieckie media próbuje okopać się w samorządach na Ziemiach Odzyskanych: od Wrocławia po Gdańsk, tak by zachodnia część Polski mogła zdobyć autonomię – pisze na łamach najnowszej Warszawskiej Gazety Stanislas Balcerac........


The Drone Iran Shot Down Was a $220M Surveillance Monster

Early Thursday morning, Iran shot down a United States unmanned aerial vehicle over the Strait of Hormuz, which runs between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. Iran identified the drone as an RQ-4A Global Hawk, a $220 million UAV that acts as a massive surveillance platform in the sky. The attack marks an escalation with tensions already running high between the US and Iran—particularly because of the value and technical sensitivity of the downed drone.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said on Thursday that the Northrup Grumman-made Global Hawk—part of a multibillion-dollar program that dates back to 2001—had entered Iranian airspace and crashed in Iranian waters; US Central Command confirmed the time and general location of the attack, but insists that the drone was flying in international airspace.

The incident comes on the heels of another situation last week in which the US accused Iran of attacking two fuel tankers in the Gulf of Oman. The US also said that Iran had attempted to shoot down a different UAV—an MQ-9 Reaper drone—but failed. The Pentagon also linked Iran to an attack on a Reaper drone in Yemen two weeks ago that caused the vehicle to crash. Thursday's attack, though, targeted a massive and much more expensive surveillance drone, and likely represents a more definite escalation.

"There's a lot going on here, and we're probably only seeing some of it," says Thomas Karako, director of the Missile Defense Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This is a more expensive, higher-altitude, more capable, long-range intelligence surveillance reconnaissance craft. If they’re shooting down aircraft in international airspace over international waters, that's likely to elicit some kind of measured reprisal."

Global Hawks are massive surveillance platforms, in operation since 2001, with a wingspan of more than 130 feet and a maximum takeoff weight of more than 16 tons, equivalent to roughly seven shipping containers of cocaine. They have a range of more than 12,000 nautical miles, can fly at strikingly high altitudes of 60,000 feet, and can stay aloft for 34 hours straight. They have no offensive capabilities; their value lies in their ability to combine range, vantage point, and persistence with powerful surveillance sensors to monitor ground or maritime activity in great detail. According to analysis by the Government Accountability Office, Global Hawks have at times cost the US more than $220 million to manufacture and equip.

Zmieniony ( 22.06.2019. )