Meet the Brazilian Catholic exposing the dark money behind the Amazon Synod
Wpisał: John-Henry Westen   

Meet the Brazilian Catholic exposing the dark money behind the Amazon Synod


John-Henry Westen

...We then discussed the dark money influencing the Synod. Bernardo mentioned REPAM (a Pan-Amazonian network that helped draft the Synod's working document) and its ties to pro-abortion and pro-transgender organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, and the Open Society Foundation. 

Bernardo's explosive findings include evidence that the CIMI (the Missionary Council of Indigenous Peoples) has “received significant funding from the Ford Foundation.”

These groups have “invested” millions of dollars into the region and are engaged in a “geopolitical” effort to use the Church in order to go after the minerals in the region’s soil, which he said are estimated to value more than 23 trillion U.S. dollars. [23*1012 md]

He believes Church officials are involved in this and that they may have been promised money, a church building, or something similar.

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Zmieniony ( 25.10.2019. )