Pressure on the pro-family restaurant. Please sign the petition
Wpisał: John Horvat   



Pressure on the pro-family restaurant. Please sign the petition

John Horvat

Vice-President, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)


Dear Miss...

Like you, I am disappointed that the pro-family restaurant, Chick-fil-A, has caved to pressure and pulled donations from Christian groups that stand for traditional marriage!

Chick-fil-A had gained national fame for their Christian values: patriotic displays, closing on Sundays, and standing strong for traditional marriageNow, it has pulled support from charitable organizations that have the reputation of standing for traditional marriage.

To the public, this is a capitulation to the homosexual agenda!

Sign the petition, urging Chick-fil-A not to cave in to pressure from the homosexual movement

According to reports:

"Beginning next year, Chick-fil-A will move away from its current philanthropic structure…

After donating to more than 300 charitable organizations this year, the Atlanta-based fast-food chain will instead focus on three initiatives with one accompanying charity each: education, homelessness and hunger...

"The new initiative will no longer include donating to organizations like the Salvation Army, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Paul Anderson Youth Home, Chick-fil-A says, all of which sparked criticism in the past from the LGBT community due to the organizations' stances on homosexuality."

(; emphasis added)

Sign the petition; tell Chick-fil-A that it must not give up its Christian identity.

The company has long incurred the ire of the left for its past positions, and this has often paid off with greater popular support. This new "middle road" approach betrays its customers and country.

And even now the left is not pleased: many in the homosexual agenda are complaining that Chick-fil-A has not gone far enough...they want to see the chain give in completely with public support for homosexual sin and "marriage."

Please sign the petition, urging Chick-fil-A not to give up its Christian identity.

Thank you.

I remain,




John Horvat

Vice-President, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)

Zmieniony ( 25.11.2019. )