2019: Planned Parenthood - $ 617 million tax dollar received - 345,000 unborn babies aborted
Wpisał: John Ritchie TFP Student Action   



Planned Parenthood - $ 617 million tax dollars received

- 345,000 unborn babies aborted

Record-high abortion year -- Act & pray

John Ritchie TFP Student Action, Director  www.tfpstudentaction.org

John Ritchie -- TFP <john@tfpstudentaction.org >

- $617 million tax dollars received
- 345,000 unborn babies aborted
- $1.6 billion in total revenue

Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report shows record-high abortions and record-high government funding – yes, your tax dollars at work. (Fox News, 01-08-19)

But we must continue to fight for the unborn in 2020!

Especially on college campuses where the battle is the toughest.

You’ll see exactly what it’s like on campus, here:

> TFP Video:  Best Pro-Life vs. Pro-Abortion Debates in 2019

Thank God, TFP Student Action’s team of dedicated volunteers are committed more than ever to fight against the culture of death in 2020 and stand up for truth, beauty and goodness – even on the most liberal campuses.

But our culture is upside down.

Trees are given more value than innocent unborn babies.

Do you think climate activist Greta Thunberg would be world famous if she quit school to speak against abortion? 

No chance. Not with our leftist media.

In fact,
a group of pro-life girls recorded a video asking Greta to mention the unborn in her next speech.  Will she?

Dear Greta Thunberg, Are Trees Worth More Than Babies?

> Click here to watch the powerful 2-minute pro-life video

Finally, if you're going to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 24, I hope we'll get a chance to see each other there.

Wishing you a most blessed New Year,
John Ritchie


Zmieniony ( 12.01.2020. )