USA: Pacjent po coronawirusie - rachunek ze szpitala 1.12 mln. dol. [ang.]
Wpisał: Michael Flor   

USA: Pacjent po coronawirusie  - rachunek ze szpitala 1.12 mln. dol.

Skąd takie ceny i skąd tylu pacjentów pod respiratorami w USA.


     Seattle man, 70, receives a $1.1MILLION hospital bill for coronavirus treatment featuring nearly 3,000 itemized charges - and he feels 'guilty' that taxpayers will pick up the cost

  • Michael Flor spent 62 days in a Seattle hospital battling COVID-19

  • He recently received a bill for his stay totaling $1.12 million; nearly a quarter of the bill was made up of drug costs

  • Due to new rules implemented by Congress amid the coronavirus pandemic, Flor may not have to pay for any of the expenses 

  • The government has pledged $100 billion to help insurance companies cover the costs of the pandemic, but total costs could soar to half a trillion  

Michael Flor, 70, has been hit with a $1.12 million bill for his 62 day stay in hospital battling COVID-19

A Seattle man who spent two months in hospital battling COVID-19 has been billed $1.12 million for his treatment. 

Michael Flor, 70, was admitted to Swedish Medical Center in Issaquah on March 4 after testing positive for the coronavirus. He spent 62 days in the facility, before making a miraculous recovery. 

After his release on May 6, Flor thought the harrowing experience was behind him - until he was hit with the 181-page bill.  

'I opened it and said 'Holy s**t!' ' Flor told The Seattle Times Saturday. 

The bill features nearly 3,000 itemized charges, which evens out to around 50 for each day of his stay. 

In total, he was billed $408,912 for 42 days spent in an intensive care room equipped with a special isolation chamber and $82,215 for ventilator use that lasted 29 days. 


 Najlepsze jest to, że on go nie musi płacić, bo za leczenie WSZYSTKICH
 covidowców w USA szpitalom płaci RZĄD.

Teraz już pan wie skąd takie ceny i skąd tylu pacjentów pod respiratorami w USA

Zmieniony ( 16.06.2020. )