Fukushima: kłótnie premiera i Tepco - to dobrze rokuje

Fukushima: kłótnie premiera i Tepco - to dobrze rokuje


Kan defends helicopter trip to nuke site, denies it delayed key venting


[ to dobrze rokuje: biorą się za łby, zwalają odpowiedzialność . W ten sposób ukrywana prawda łatwiej wycieknie. Niestety - na razie mamy wycieki plutonu. Na szczęście tylko „zimne”, w glebę, nie w postaci gazów o temperaturze 3000 stopni, jak w Czarnobylu. Por. komentarz na dole notki. MD]


Wednesday, March 30, 2011 By KANAKO TAKAHARA Staff writer http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20110330a5.html


Prime Minister Naoto Kan denied Tuesday that his visit to the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant on March 12, the day after the killer earthquake and tsunami hit the Tohoku region, delayed a crucial step to avert an atomic crisis.

Just after midnight on March 12, pressure in the No. 1 reactor rose to an extremely high level. To release the pressure and prevent an explosion, Tokyo Electric Power Co. needed to open the valves and release radiation-polluted gas.

But Tepco didn't start the ventilation process until 9:04 a.m. and pressure didn't lower until 2:30 p.m. Then at 3:36 p.m., a hydrogen blast blew up the No. 1 reactor building. Kan arrived at the plant by helicopter at 7:11 a.m. and stayed for an hour.

Media reports said the ventilation was delayed until 9 a.m. because Kan flew in by helicopter. The government claims it has been pushing Tepco repeatedly to hurry with the ventilation, but the lack of electricity delayed the process.

"It is not true that the visit delayed" the reactor's ventilation to release pressure, Kan told an Upper House Budget Committee session Tuesday.

Kan said he believed it was important to grasp what was happening at the scene. "Getting briefed from the person in charge and meeting him in person was very effective in mapping out a plan later."

[w sąsiednim artykule Japan News pisze:

"Even in the case of Chernobyl, in which traces of iodine and cesium were found thousands of kilometers away and all over Europe, plutonium was found only within a radius of 30 km from the nuclear power plant," Unesaki explained”.


Nieprawda. Pu był (i jest) rozpylony na powierzchni ziemi w Rosji, Białorusi i Ukrainie. Mam mapy. Ale przyczyną było wyrzucenie do STRATOSFERY (ponad 13 km) rozpalonych cząstek i kropelek paliwa, bo temperatura wybuchu tam była ogromna. To nie grozi w Fukushima. „Za to” w Fukushima, z paliwa MOX, jest proporcjonalnie więcej wyższych izotopów Pu, o większej aktywności alfa. MD ]