Friday Funnies: $ettled $cience. Piękne MEMy !!

Friday Funnies: $ettled $cience

$tockpiling mRNA $hots for $H5N1$ makes total $ense


If only the legacy media would post questions like this to Biden. But presidential access is everything.

From 2021 – this Branco cartoon has held up well.

About this time in the presidential election, I find myself watching the polls. Trust me, it can become an obsession.

However, some of the polling data got very interesting this week. There was definitely an immediate bump-up for Biden after the Trump verdict, but Trump seemed to have bounced back rather quickly. 

From 538 – no real difference pre and post the NY verdict.

In the polling data below (from 538), the bounce for Biden is clear – as the verdict was announced on May 30th. But shortly thereafter, Trump’s numbers returned to almost where they had been pre-verdict.

Other news that might affect polling.

An appeals court has halted the Georgia election interference case against President Donald Trump, while it reviews the lower court judge’s ruling allowing Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to remain on the case. This means that this case probably won’t go to trial before the election in November. More bad news for the democrats.

Clearly the democrats lawfare strategy has a small effect, even if short-lived. With Judge Cannon putting the Mar-A-Largo/classified document trial on hold, this is a good and bad thing, as I think Trump has very strong odds of winning that case and such a win would help his campaign.

But the lawfare doesn’t stop with going after Trump.

The democrats are pulling out all the stops and have organized a large campaign to remove judge Cannon from the case. The only question is who is behind this nefarious and disgusting attempt to remove her from the case.

Those complaints filed since May 16 “appear to be part of an orchestrated campaign,” according to Pryor, whose appellate court reviews cases arising from federal district courts in Florida, Georgia and Alabama.

This is more fifth-gen warfare. 

Good chance this is also part of a wrap-up smear. Will future articles in the Washington post and Wiki soon be writing that Judge Cannon had thousands of complaints lodged against her? Will these all somehow end up being on the top of the Googlenet search results? Time will tell.

These complaints appear to be part of an orchestrated campaign, as described in Judicial-Conduct Rule 10(b) and the accompanying commentary. The Chief Circuit Judge of the Eleventh Circuit has considered and dismissed four of those orchestrated complaints as merits-related and as based on allegations lacking sufficient evidence to raise an inference that misconduct has occurred.”

The judge adds: “Although many of the complaints allege an improper motive in delaying the case, the allegations are speculative and unsupported by any evidence. The Complaints also do not establish that Judge Cannon was required to recuse herself from the case because she was appointed by then-President Trump.”

More than 1,000 complaints were made against Cannon by liberals seeking to have her removed from the case for supposedly ruling in Trump’s favor throughout the proceedings, CNBC reported. The Eleventh Circuit’s judicial council ordered the court clerk to not accept additional complaints against Cannon if they are similar to the four Pryor dismissed. Cannon’s orders in the classified-documents case are subject to the normal appeals process.

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner kickstarted the campaign to remove Cannon, urging listeners of his podcast to file complaints against her. To accompany his episode explaining why he believes she should be removed, he posted a YouTube video instructing fans how to file a complaint against Cannon.

“A lot of people took advantage of that step-by-step video, and they submitted those judicial complaint forms,” Kirschner said on his podcast. 

(from the National Review)

Something tells me that this is just the tip of the iceberg. More lawfare and dirty tricks are still to come.

This election is a long way from being over.