Friday Funnies: It’s not Over, Till It’s Over.

Friday Funnies: It’s not Over, Till It’s Over.

Round 2: Deep State VS. MAGA.

Robert W Malone MD, MS Sep 20, 2024

True Story.

Not funny, and the ramifications of this are chilling…

Given that the decision to golf was not planned well in advance, how did the shooter know to set up at that spot?

  • A mole in the USSS or the Trump campaign, maybe?

It’s just a 2020 re-match: The deep-state versus MAGA…

It’s not over till it’s over…

Millenials be like: ‘The government isn’t giving me enough toys!”

It’s not fair.”

Rather than work hard to get ahead, the mantra of Millenials is – “it’s not fair.”

  • Nothing in life is fair, the key is when you are down – you get up, dust yourself off, and work both harder and smarter.

Another True Story

The IG Nobel Prize is real.

It has no affiliation to the Nobel Prizes and the IG Nobel group “celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine, and technology” by making “people laugh, then think.”

This year, a Japanese research team won for discovering that mammals can breathe through their anuses. The study authors believe this may offer an alternative way of getting oxygen into critically ill patients if ventilator and artificial lung supplies run low (they all seem a little far-fetched to me, but then what do I know?).

Here is an image of their peer-reviewed paper…

This is from the abstract page:

Over-ventilation killed more people than ventilators saved during the COVIDcrisis. But forget about that inconvenient factoid for a moment.

Because these scientists have a solution to the ventilation issue for those patients requiring respiratory support.

Basically, the “context and significance” section of this paper suggests that if ventilators happen to be in short supply again during a pandemic, then this technology will enable physicians to inject a liquid form of oxygen up people’s arseholes… in the middle of a pandemic.

hmmm… sounds reasonable <insert sarcasm>.