Friday Funnies: Anything But Credible (ABC)

Friday Funnies: Anything But Credible (ABC)

The ABCs of MSM

Robert W Malone MD, MS Sep 27, 2024

Kamala’s detailed plan for America: kill the filibuster:

This is not a fake video – it is from August, 2021.
“A vital part of preparing for hurricane season is to get vaccinated now”.
The truth is that Biden has always been a moron.

True Story:

Another True Story;

Emails document that the director of HHS, Francis Collins, must have known that the virus was most likely man-made. Yet, he lied to the American public.

Despite that, Dr. Francis Collins peacefully played guitar and sang a soothing song about quarantining, wearing a mask, and getting vaccinated, all while promoting lies about pangolins spreading COVID-19, a seafood market travesty, and zoonotic transmission—which, as he must have known and as he revealed in Congress earlier this year, were all untruths.

Does this behavior qualify for accessary to hide a catastrophic, man-made, mass murder event?

Yet still he persists:
Collins is now indoctrinating new Doctors at their 2024 Yale graduation ceremony.
Listen to the clapping and cheering for the forced gene therapy product injected into billions of arms worldwide at the end of the video!

It is well past time that America has a team that can actually fix this broken system.

But how to fix Congress?

“We are addicted to spending…”

Rep. Massie speaks truth.

Massie agrees: A tonic is long past needed.

The toxic artificial dye epidemic in America.

Being in Japan and seeing so many healthy food options, I feel compelled to include a little pictorial food essay today.

Blah, blah, blah.

It is so easy to dismiss the above meme as more hyperbole – until one does a search for ‘artificial food dyes” in the scientific literature…

Folks – the USA has no excuse for not removing these toxins from our foods.

Below is a recent review of the dangers of artificial food coloring in foods in America (remember most countries ban these toxins).


The harms of synthetic dyes in children, both with and without comorbidities, are worrying and require a careful and proactive approach. The studies presented in this review demonstrate an association between the consumption of these additives and a variety of adverse health effects, ranging from hyperactivity and behavioral disorders to allergic reactions and more serious health problems. For children with comorbidities such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, exposure to synthetic dyes can worsen existing symptoms and complicate management of the condition. Furthermore, even in children without comorbidities, synthetic dyes can pose a health risk by affecting their cognitive, behavioral, metabolic and nutritional development. Given these facts, educational approaches for parents, caregivers and health professionals are essential so that they are aware of the potential risks associated with the consumption of synthetic dyes and adopt measures to reduce children’s exposure to these additives. Raising awareness through campaigns and better food labeling informing about the types of dyes present in each specific product, as well as the formulation of stricter policies to control the recommended quantity, are ways of mitigating the possible toxicity levels of these additives. Another way is to promote a more natural and balanced diet and search for dyes from completely natural sources.

No matter what your age, let a colorful food palate on your plate come from natural sources, not from artificial food dyes!

A friendly reminder – shop on the outside grocery store aisles to eat healthy.

Oats may be a whole food – but please avoid non-organic. The commercial oats in the USA often test very high for glyphosate!

Have fun, eat healthy and rain or shine, I hope to see many of you at the rally in DC this Sunday!