Global News Round-up: Let them Eat Bugs and drink Cockroach Milk

Global News Round-up: Let them Eat Bugs

Welcome to the New World Order Diet, and Klaus raises the specter of yet more globalized fascism.

Robert W Malone MD, MS Jul 08, 2024

Italian pasta, anyone?

Some of the more obscure headlines from around the world can be the most informative. Let’s face it—what happens in some other nation may already be happening in our own.

So, when the above headline caught my eye, it felt like time to dig a little deeper.

Sixteen species of insects, including crickets, locusts and silkworms, have been approved as food in Singapore, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) said on Monday.

“With immediate effect, [the] SFA will allow the import of insects and insect products belonging to species that have been assessed to be of low regulatory concern,” the agency said in a circular addressed to processed food and animal feed traders.

“These insects and insect products can be used for human consumption or as animal feed for food-producing animals.”

The SFA first conducted a public consultation on the regulation of insects and insect products in end-2022.

In April last year, the agency said that 16 species of insects would receive the green light for consumption in the second half of 2023, but the decision was pushed back.

Earlier this year, the SFA, said it was finalising the implementation details and aimed to introduce a regulatory framework in the first half of this year.

In late June, sources such as restaurants and potential farms said that the approval was imminent (Source: SCMP).

The article then goes on to mention that “The farming of insects for human food and for animal feed has been promoted by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization for their benefits as a sustainable form of protein.”

It turns out that the UN Food and Agricultural Organization has been working on using insects for food since 2003.

Despite having a home page on the topic, the links to the various regulatory issues, facts, and figures are all broken.

Clearly, those of us in the mis-dis-malinformed camp are causing some internal hiccups within the division of food and agriculture at the United Nations. So, let’s all keep up the good work in exposing their horrific world plans.

To be clear, cricket and mealworm flour is being put into all sorts of processed foods in many countries, including the USA, and the labeling of such products is not always clear.

If you see Acheta protein in a product, know that it has been adulterated with insect protein (aka cricket protein powder)

Here is a map the producers of cricket flour in the USA as of August, 2023

.Note that although the FDA has issued some guidance on the topic, they are not regulating the edible insect market in any systematic way.

The problem with the lack of regulatory controls on insect products is that they carry specific risks to the general population, particularly people with shellfish allergies. This has been known for years, but even now – a slew of peer-reviewed papers are being published about the dangers of insects being added to foods without proper labeling.

Various searches on the USDA website yielded no results on regulating insects for the human food market.

The European Union, which likes to regulate every aspect of people’s lives, recently approved the sale of insects for human consumption. This includes yellow mealworms, lesser mealworms, migratory locusts, and house crickets for humans, either to be eaten whole or as protein for pasta, protein bars, and other (processed) foods. What could possibly go wrong?

In South Africa, a company called Entomilk is now making a liquid protein drink from black soldier fly larvae (note: this is not a Bill Gates-funded project).

In India, cockroach milk is being developed. This product is literally cockroach milk, which is what female cockroaches feed their young.

The pet food and livestock industry has embraced the concept, and now, even our pets are eating insects

But the truth is that this authorization is from a non-profit organization called the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and is completely voluntary. This is just more marketing to sell this shat to US consumers. After all, if it is “authorized” for sale in the USA, it must be safe, right”?

As an aside, Ynsect is a company of French origins and is part of the World Economic Forum Family.

This company also sells mealworms for human consumption and has received approval from the EU to do so.

Of course, the USDA is working hard to ensure that we all do our part to contribute to a sustainable future (this kind of talk is USDA code for complying with Agenda 2030).

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) began funding research into trash-fed crickets as an alternative to conventional and “unsustainable” protein production in July 2023, a federal grant listing shows.

The $130,000 grant supports research that “addresses the need for more cost-efficient production of crickets as a sustainable protein source,” according to the listing. Specifically, the grant will support research into using municipal landfill waste to feed crickets that will later be harvested for human consumption.

USDA awarded the grant to Mighty Cricket Inc., a private firm that sells cricket flour, cricket protein powder and cricket oatmeal. The agency believes that using landfill waste to feed crickets could help the firm “procure cricket feed at lower cost than what is available on the market,” leading to savings that could then be passed along to the consumer.

USDA’s grant listing criticizes traditional animal farming for being too resource-intensive and too harsh on the environment.

Be careful folks, it is the wild-west out there.

In other news:

The World Economic Forum finished their annual ‘Summer Davos’ in China meeting last week.

Klaus Schab gave one of the opening addresses, where he is on record as stating:

We must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create the more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future. At this critical juncture, the active participation of all stakeholders is essential.

Klaus Schwab, June 25, 2024

So, the WEF feels it is powerful enough to force governments and global governance systems to “collaborate” with the private sector. Forced arrangements between businesses and government have another name, which I hope doesn’t need spelling out for the “Who is Robert Malone” readership at this point.

According to the WEF, “1,600 leaders from business, government, civil society, academia and international organizations are gathering at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions.”

The WEF advocates fascism at the global level and has signed strategic agreements with the UN and its various baby-UN organizations, as well as other global giants, as I have written about extensively in the past.

The question is, why are governments allowing themselves to be sucked into this mess? This is clearly the roadmap to global trans-national fascism, and how is that in any nation’s best interest?