Sunday Strip: The DNC and IUDs
(and don’t forget vasectomies)

Robert W Malone MD, MS Aug 18, 2024

It’s almost DNC day! (That is, the Democratic National Convention silly, not Dilation and Curettage.)
This means the convention has set up abortion and vasectomy mobile units and even has… a giant IUD on display!
(Not a meme folks – this is for real, as reported by the NY Post).

PSA -Please remember to have your Democrat spayed or neutered.

(Because Women’s sterility rights are most important in this election cycle)?
Truth be told, Owellian wordplay is all around us. This is how they keep us confused and out of control of our lives.
Reproduction rights -should mean the right to have a child instead of the opposite.
The clown car continues – rather than focus on the genuine issues facing America, the Democrats are going with abortion, vasectomies, and IUDs? Is this because they truly do believe in a de-population agenda or because they would rather focus on sterilization rights – than talk about inflation, the two major wars we are engaged in, or the ongoing Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption trials?