Notre Dame is Getting Ready for Another Disaster. Podpisz PROTEST !

Notre Dame is Getting Ready for Another Disaster

Notre Dame is Getting Ready for Another Disaster

After countless prayers, nearly a billion dollars, and hard toil which many people willingly gave blood, sweat, and tears, Notre Dame is finally nearing its completion—in many ways looking more splendorous than it has for centuries.

However, after its miraculous restoration, this iconic Cathedral faces yet another impending disaster.

French President Emmanuel Macron wants to install new modern stained-glass windows in six of the cathedral’s side chapels.

Tell President Emmanuel Macron to Leave Notre Dame Alone

None of the windows that will be replaced were damaged by the fire.

President Macron wants to leave a legacy. And to do so, he has chosen to replace several windows in Notre Dame Cathedral with modern ones.

Such windows would be dreadful, and fracture the historic beauty that the cathedral contains.

Imagine walking down the side aisle, and while admiring the incredible splendor and architecture, you turn the corner and see a monstrosity—ugly modern art.

There are sketches of the design for the windows that the president wants to replace, and they completely lack the qualities that reflect God: goodness, truth and beauty.

From what one can tell, based on the sketches, they don’t tell a story and they don’t follow the qualities of beauty that Saint Thomas Aquinas made explicit.

Demand that President Macron Keep the Traditional Windows

Notre Dame is a cathedral that is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. Medieval man made it to reflect several of her inestimable qualities and virtues: purity, strength, proportionality, beauty, wisdom, goodness and more.

So President Macron’s decision to modernize several of the cathedral’s windows is more than just changing century-old history, it is mixing the ugly with the beautiful. It is an offense to Our Lady.

Please take a stand against this wreckovation by telling President Emmanuel Macron to keep the old windows, and not replace them with ugly modern art.

Sign your petition now!

To: Emmanuel Macron, President of France,

Your desire to replace several of the windows in Notre Dame Cathedral, and replace them with modern ones is truly upsetting and a shame to the Catholic history of France.

The modern windows clash with the unity and beauty that this historic cathedral represents.

I demand that you cancel this project immediately, and publicly apologize for suggesting such a disorder.

