Friday Funnies: Cows are Dumb
Go ride the horse.

(I had to look this one up, yes – Streisand did actually say this recently). And yes, Trump’s poll numbers are going up.
It appears that she is another victim of “Trump Derangement Syndrome”.

Cows with Guns (sadly not on Rumble)
BTW- if you can discern some sort of political synthesis from this video, please let me know.

Well, I have prolonged the inevitable for long enough. It is time for me to go feed horses, clean stalls and check waters.
Another day in paradise. Yeh, I am being serious.
Later, we go to a pot-luck with the “quarantine club”. That is a group of us who got together illegally during the lock-down and formed a community that sustains us all. It is truly our own “Galt’s Gulch.
Have a great post-T-day folks, I know I plan to!

Just to throw in one last, final cliche for the day.
Life is short – go ride the horse.