Friday Funnies: Sacred Cows

Friday Funnies: Sacred Cows

It’s all about the cash. Until it isn’t.


A month ago, we had a lot more chickens than we do now ( a certain hawk is getting very creative in her hunting techniques), and the eggs piled up on baskets in the kitchen. As the big incubator was empty, on a whim – we threw them all in. Sixty plus eggs in all. That was exactly three weeks ago.

Well, starting a couple of days ago -those eggs started to hatch and hatch and hatch. There is a total of 36 chicks so far. These chicks are all a breed called Whiting True Blue, which lays a blue egg and are prolific layers – so finding homes for the extra chicks should not be a problem. Another chore on the list though. But baby chickens are the best.

Today, we have to drive to Fredericksburg to attend an event in support of a true patriot, Cameron Hamilton, who is running for the Virginia Congress -7th district.

~ Charlene and Ty Bollinger have been writing and reporting on cancer, as well as censorship and propaganda for years. They explore and report on alternative therapies. They have recently moved over to Substack – please consider checking out their site.

The Truth About Cancer

Friday Funnies: You Are Here… Better late than never.

Friday Funnies: You Are Here…

Better late than never.


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Jan Jekielek and I filmed for our series “Fall Out” at CPAC on media row yesterday. The episode is coming soon on Epoch TV

.[PREMIERING 2/23, 9PM ET] FALLOUT with Robert Malone: 

“Is Mercenary Censorship the New Face of Warfare?”

Today is the first day of the International Crisis Summit – the talks have been amazing and will be available on line soon. 

If you wish watch the live stream, you can do so here:

ICS Livestream link

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Sunday Strip: Memory Test. GOOD TO KEEP IN MIND.

Sunday Strip: Memory Test

Good to keep in mind.

FEB 18

File under “Good to Know”:

Sea lioning is a trolling or harassment tactic commonly deployed in online discussions and blogs. It involves the attacker asking relentless and insincere questions or requests for evidence under the guise of civility and a desire for genuine debate. These requests are often tangential or previously addressed, and when well deployed the attacker maintains a pretense of civility and sincerity, while feigning ignorance of the subject matter. Sea lioning is aimed at exhausting the patience and goodwill of the target, making them appear unreasonable.

Yeah, I get this one deployed on me all the time. You too?

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Friday Funnies: Marked Unsafe – at any speed.

Friday Funnies: Marked Unsafe

at any speed.


I consider Tucker a mentor of sorts. I strive to be more like Tucker.

Brought to you by Google

The brainwashing of our youth – by social media corporations is out of control. Unfortunately, for all of us – it isn’t going to stop.

“We know best. We are going to remake the world. We are going to reshape kids around the world”

The government has a remedy for this type of unlawful business practice. The 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act has bee utilized many times to break up monopolies. The Sherman Act outlaws:

“every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade,” and any “monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize.”

Google is out of control. They have not only monopolized the internet, they have monopolized the control of advertising. Both business strategies are being challenged by the DOJ in two separate lawsuits. Meta is also being sued for unfair business practices, as it has gobbled up its competitors in a series of buy-outs.

Or you might be watching MSM exclusively and using Google as your search engine.

“Who is Robert Malone” is a reader supported publication. To receive this Substack in your email on an almost daily basis, please consider a free or paid subscription. 

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Nic wesołego. Same MEMy.


[panie Cezary: Nie tak to ona nagła…]

Z książki synka ,czytam raz ,coś mi nie pasuje, czytam drugi raz – pisał debil




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Sunday Strip: The Pac-man Cometh. Nie bój się, same obrazki !

Sunday Strip: The Pac-man Cometh

An avalanche is bearing down


Public service announcement – the above meme is actually true…

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“When we get the opportunity to speak truth to power, we must.”

Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation

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Regulatory capture is rapidly taking over our government institutions without a shot being fired, so now is time to resist. Inverse totalitarianism requires our compliance. 
Speak out, run for office, protest, vote, get educated on current events, write letters, talk to friends and family and join likeminded people in fighting for our country.

I think we can change things for the better, but my fear is that the state of the nation will suffer in the meantime. 

The battle ahead looms large.