Even the New York Times Says: “Planned Parenthood” is in Trouble

Even the New York Times Says “Planned Parenthood” is in Trouble

by John Horvat II February 26, 2025 https://www.tfp.org/even-the-new-york-times-says-planned-parenthood-is-in-trouble/?PKG=TFPE3547

Even The New York Times Says Planned Parenthood Is in Trouble
Even The New York Times Says Planned Parenthood Is in Trouble

Planned Parenthood has few more ardent supporters than The New York Times.

The paper has favorably chronicled the infamous actions of the nation’s largest provider of procured abortion for decades. Its editorial page consistently supports the organization under the pretext of its promotion of “reproductive rights.”

Thus, things must really be getting dire when the paper produces a lengthy feature article exposing the massive problems and dissent inside the Planned Parenthood establishment. The façade is cracking and exposing major issues that can no longer be hidden—not even from friends.

A Multiple Crisis

Reporter Katie Brenner tries hard to show some positive points amid the chaos. However, the article’s title says it all: “Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis.”

The abortion provider is in dire financial straits. Morale is down, and employee turnover is extremely high. Abortion mills are using outdated equipment run by tired, poorly paid and undertrained staff. Some women are suing affiliates for badly done procedures and botched abortions.

The New York Times reviewed documents and legal cases for the article. The reporter interviewed over 50 executives, consultants and staff workers to provide an accurate idea of the crisis that threatens the image and narrative of the organization.

The liberal establishment long portrayed Planned Parenthood as a champion for women and their “liberation” from old morals. That image is endangered as women complain about their cold treatment at certain rundown facilities. The monolithic figure of a movement fighting for women’s rights is fragmented by internal dissent and plunging morale.

Massive Fundraising and Poor Clinics

The abortion provider suffers from dire financial problems despite banner fundraising efforts. In 2022, following the Dobbs decision, the national Planned Parenthood Federation raised nearly half a billion dollars in donations. However, most of the money cannot be directed toward actual clinics. The organization’s bylaws stipulate that such funds must be spent on the political and legal defense of procured abortion, not the actual medical procedure.

The result is a top-heavy, financially sound structure with poor independent affiliates on the bottom, many operating on shoestring budgets. The financial strain is causing internal resentment, undertraining and dilapidated facilities.

Most clinics survive on government Medicaid payments for non-abortion procedures in addition to local fundraising efforts among their donors. Pro-life activism has been very effective in limiting Medicaid reimbursements since many conservative states have blocked Planned Parenthood from receiving these taxpayer dollars.

The result is that clinics are closing since they are unprofitable or running at deficits. From a high of 900 facilities in the nineties, there are some 600 today (not all performing abortions). About 2.1 million visited Planned Parenthood this year, down from a high of 5 million thirty years ago.

A Decaying Structure

However, money is not the only problem facing Planned Parenthood. It has long tried to project a clean, efficient image of professionalism and dependability when dealing with the poor. This reputation is an enormous asset.

Such an image is damaged by the scandalous examples of facilities cited in the article, which reports on “scores of allegations reviewed by The Times that accuse Planned Parenthood of poor care.” These include botched abortions, improperly inserted contraceptive devices and wrong procedures performed on patients. Many lawsuits are pending by those damaged by these practices.

In addition, some clinics suffer from plumbing leaks, broken air-conditioning and structural problems. Because of one sewage problem in Omaha, “patients vomited from the stench.” Temperatures at an administrative center in Iowa were above 90 for several weeks when the cooling system broke down.

Shortages of over-the-counter pain medication and I.V. flushes further hamper some operations.

“We’re begging for supplies, and we get denied constantly because they just can’t afford it,” complained Ashley Schmidt, a training specialist who worked at a Nebraska facility until resigning in December.

Workers Undertrained

As a liberal organization, the giant federation might be expected to generously compensate its workers as part of its mission to help the poor.

Much to the contrary, clinic workers often earn so little that many qualify for Medicaid and food assistance benefits. Their wages tend to be well below those paid in similar jobs in authentic healthcare facilities—which work to save lives.

At many facilities, the turnover of clinic workers hovers at about fifty percent a year. A reoccurring complaint was that they did not receive adequate training.

Scores of ex-employees have sued Planned Parenthood, citing labor-related causes that include a refusal to pay overtime, provide breaks, or give them time off for personal needs—including the care of their infants. Some clinics are understaffed and have what has been called a toxic work culture.

Some interviewed employees said that management replied to their complaints with rallying cries that called for them to sacrifice their concerns because the abortion movement was experiencing an urgent “mission moment” to keep abortion legal.

Conveyor Belt Appointments

Finally, the interviewed employees complained of the constant pressure to increase the flow of people in the clinics. The goal was to more than double the present number of 2.1 million as a means “to help bring in more revenues.”

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York, for example, aims at a rate of four appointments per hour, with the average visit lasting about ten minutes for non-abortion consultations. Employees report waiting room times of up to three hours for non-abortion visits.

One former manager in Columbus, Ohio, said visitors complained that the clinics operated like factories. Another nurse in Minnesota likened clinic operations to a conveyor belt.

Legal Defense

Planned Parenthood carefully replied to the inquiries by The New York Times. Its officials would not discuss most lawsuits due to privacy clauses. The article’s author carefully shielded herself from legal attack by stressing the limited scope of her investigation. Planned Parenthood officials also issued damage control statements insisting the cited incidents do not reflect the practices of most clinics. The article also makes it clear that Planned Parenthood feels the constant and effective pressure of pro-life activism.

Planned Parenthood’s legal language, crisis control statements and non-disclosure clauses are far from reassuring. The testimonies of those without disclosure agreements who dared to come forward imply that the revealed discontent is only the tip of the iceberg.

Planned Parenthood is in trouble. It is not the pro-lifers who are saying this. Even The New York Times has to admit something is terribly wrong. Thank God!