MEMy: Friday Funnies: Without Big Government – Who WOULD TAKE CARE of US?…

Friday Funnies: Without Big Government..

Who would take care of us?


Another great clip from Rita Panahi. This woman is on fire!
Sky News host bursts out laughing at ‘dimwitted lefties’ from The View

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“The Hunter gun indictment is the only crime unrelated to Joe Biden’s scandals, like a diversion tactic”. -A.F. Branco.

Yep! I read the indictment a while back and was like “WTF?” It is a nothing-burger. Hunter Biden bought a gun and signed a document that he wasn’t an addict, when at the time – he was. At the time, he was officially an “ex-addict” – so one would have to first convict him of drug charges and prove he was an addict to make these charges stick. Even then, it would be very difficult. So, these are just puffed up charges, all the while – the real crimes: which seem to include tax evasion, illegal lobbying, extortion, bribery, etc. get slow walked and are not prosecuted. Even more importantly are those crimes that involve both Hunter and Joe Biden, which are also being slow walked. Cute trick – if the DOJ can pull it off.