Sunday Strip: 51 Little CIA Pigs. MEMY z usa.

Sunday Strip: 51 Little CIA Pigs

Where is a wolf when you need him?

DEC 17

Three Little Pigs by John Branyan

Lets add to this list – I don’t think I will ever see a Republican Congressional investigation into the 51 “former” CIA operatives, who signed the letter stating that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian misinformation.

Yes, that letter from the Dirty 51 had “all the classic earmarks” of a disinformation operation, all right — one designed to ensure Joe Biden won the presidency. And it was essentially a CIA operation, considering 43 of the 51 signatories were former CIA.

This was treason. It was planned by the deep state and the administrative state. 


A classic redo. 

Have a great day folks.