[To nie Pan Roman, on znał język polski. W Kanadzie zapominają? md]

[Oj, to chyba nie ten Autor? md]

[To nie Pan Roman, on znał język polski. W Kanadzie zapominają? md]
[Oj, to chyba nie ten Autor? md]
[GDZIE jesteś?? Zaś “dokąd idziesz, bałwanie??”
Robert W Malone MD, MS Dec 01, 2024
Change can’t come fast enough!
The above meme is a true story.
The British banned the importation of firearms and gunpowder to the American colonies in October 1774, in response to the Boston Tea Party. The import restriction on weapons and ammunition as well as subsequent attempts at confiscation, were key points of contention between the colonists and the crown. The banning and confiscating of weaponry is considered one of the main drivers of the American Revolution.
More truth.
The word democracy is not in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, or the U.S. Constitution. This is because the Founding Fathers were skeptical of direct democracy, due to a concern about the potential for a “tyranny of the majority.” So, our system was designed to be a representative democracy where citizens elect representatives to govern on their behalf. We live in a constitutional republic.
If Musk and Vivek can actually actually get DOGE to work as intended – it would truly be epoch.
OK – Gaetz looking in from the window is pretty funny.
Robert W Malone MD, MS Nov 29, 2024
America First is something we can all contribute to at Christmas.
a tu – bonus:
A niżej – wyjaśnienie….
Robert W Malone MD, MS Nov 24, 2024
We might think that WOKE is dead, yet the ghost of wokeness past just goes on and on and on…
I had to look the cartoon below up… turns out this is about a car manufacturer. That would be Jaguar…
But what the heck is the point?
Jaguar has rebranded – I dare you, just try to watch the commercial without gagging.
You know it’s bad when the socialist rag of Great Britain, which is mostly fit for using on your backend in the commode, had to opine.
Go WOKE, go broke. But will it ever end?
Almost fifty percent of the federal “workforce” never returned back to work after the lock-downs.
Watching the mass exodus of the federal “workforce” after Trump signs an executive order forcing all federal employees back to the office will be truly entertaining.
According to Vivek and DOGE, this will be the first step to reducing the federal budget.
Idk:„I don’t know”
Robert W Malone MD, MS Nov 22, 2024
Ben created the above cartoon in 2020- and with just a few name changes, it still holds true today!
Robert W Malone MD, MS Nov 17, 2024
For a view on what woke women really think about men and society – read the article. Which was published in 2020.
But it is more fun to, to just go to the comments section –
A sampling:
“Plenty of men won’t date or even talk to woke women. I’m training my sons to not even speak to girls that exhibit any signs of the disease.”
“It’s one thing to advocate for legal equality, social respect, and all-around fair treatment. No problem with that whatsoever. It’s quite another to become yammering, obnoxious, grating, lecturing fools.”
‘I’m extremely concerned at the lack of self-reflection in this article”
“UHHHHhhhh the reason why feminism doesn’t win over men is because feminism changed from a “we want equal rights” movement in the 1920’s to a “All men are bad unless they are our slaves” movement in modern times.”
[tak teraz fałszują: Oczywiście u Konopnickiej był to “Niemiec”. md]
[NIGDY, oczywiście. Co za niechluj.. md]