Archiwa tagu: Memy
Panie Ramzesie, szybciej !!! – MEMy
Sunday Strip: New Math and Realpolitik. The circle of diversity strikes again. MEMy.
Sunday Strip: New Math and Realpolitik
The circle of diversity strikes again.
Who is Robert Malone is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
This one meme pretty much defines why anarcho-capitalism resonates with so many of us.
Refleksje robota ateisty. I pańci Holland. MEMy
Friday Funnies: Word Salad. Its whats’s for dinner. MEMy.
Friday Funnies: Word Salad
Its whats’s for dinner.
Snort – it would be unusual for an academic to have this much self-awareness.
Word Salad
Avian Flu: Everything You Need to Know | FALLOUT
We have been hearing a lot about H5N1 avian influenza in recent months. Should you be afraid? Or are fears overblown?
And how does this relate to recent testimonies surrounding gain-of-function research?
What kind of gain-of-function research has already been done on avian flu, and what are the possible implications?
This is all in the context of a looming World Health Organization (WHO) vote that could give the WHO unprecedented powers over global public health policy in the name of “pandemic preparedness.” Join us this week on FALLOUT.
Бог Троицу любит. Trzecia salwa. MEMy.
MEMy – druga salwa
MEMy nawet we czwartek – tak nam DOBRZE. PO: po 5.19 będzie bułka, nie paliwo.
Mistrzu, jak długo trzeba czekać, żeby coś się zmieniło na lepsze? MEMy II seria.
Trzaskowski dał sygnał do usunięcia krzyża, wizerunków świętych patronów i Najświętszej Maryi Panny z urzędów w całej stolicy
A co ze świecznikiem ?
Kto nie ma w głowie, ten ma w dupie. MEMy. cz.I.
Friday Funnies: Trigger Alert. The truth and nothing but the truth.
Friday Funnies: Trigger Alert
The truth and nothing but the truth
Fauci: ”But honestly, I had no idea it was happening and had nothing to do with it”…
“Scouting America”
The Boy Scouts of America is no longer.
Instead, the organization has adopted the“inclusive” name change: “Scouting America”. The reason given is that this allows gay kids, transgender youth, LGBTQ+ leaders, and girls to join.
Pew Research Center estimates that 25 to 30 percent of children under age 18 in the U.S. live in a single-parent household. In nearly 80% of these homes, the mothers are the custodial parents. Boys sometimes need male mentorship in a gender-exclusive environment, this is particularly important for boys growing up in a single female-parent household. Many of these boys may not have many experiences with a male role model. About 20-25% of all boys in the United States reside in a single female-parent household.
Sex-based differences are real. Boys and girls play and learn differently and sometimes need different lessons. This is truth. No amount of wishful thinking will change our basic biology. Bringing up boys to be well-grounded, responsible young men is difficult work; let’s not make it even harder.
“It’s just really tragic that an organization that has had such a storied past in terms of the way that it has helped boys become men has just decided that isn’t the place that they want to operate anymore”… Our main thing we want to do is build better men in a culture that’s discounting men at an alarming pace”
Trail Life USA CEO Mark Hancock, CEO of Trail Life, USA – A Christian-based, alternative organization to the Boy Scouts.
MEMy międzynarodowe, trochę piekielnych.
Według tęczowego rankingu ILGA-Europe „Rainbow Map” Polska po raz kolejny uznana została za najbardziej homofobiczny kraj Unii Europejskiej – poinformowała Kampania Przeciw Homofobii.
– a Europa żre robaki. MEMy. II seria, też celna.
Moc umysłu Ukochanych Rządzących. MEMy.
Friday Funnies: “God Bless Bucks Fizz”. Eurovision hits a new low. MEMy.
Friday Funnies: “God Bless Bucks Fizz”
Eurovision hits a new low.
What the heck is Eurovision?
Hundreds of millions of Europeans tune in each year to watch the Eurovision Song Contest. This over-the-top annual event culminates in a frenetic musical extravaganza so completely bizarre that it leaves the rest of the world scratching its head. The contestants are usually outrageous, political, or have completely baffling productions.
But the cra-cra has turned venomously ugly. Katie Hopkins explains it best:
As to Bucks Fizz (gag)… – If so inclined, that reference you will have to figure out for yourself. Personally, I had to google it.
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Śmiej się, pajacu… MEMy
A to ze strony “Tolerado”,,,gdzie działa[ł] pedofil
Trzęsie mnie kierwica… C.d. kłopotów z nagłośnieniem i wsiadaniem do bagażnika. Nowe MEMy, z pedałami.
Omnes dii gentium daemonia
Aspirant Ewa Brunett, Policja. Uśmiechnięta Polska. MEMY. [jeszcze dowieźli !!]
Jacek Protasiewicz stwierdził, że minister spraw wewnętrznych i administracji Marcin Kierwiński „był napruty jak Messers(c)hmitt” podczas przemówienia w Dniu Strażaka. Były wieloletni polityk Platformy Obywatelskiej przyznał, że dokładnie wie, ile alkoholu spożywa się w tej partii. Były wicewojewoda dolnośląski i były polityk PO Jacek Protasiewicz w ostatnim czasie nie gryzie się w język. „Wiem co jest pite”:
Polska jak Messerschmitt. Co jak co, ale minister Kierwiński problemów z nagłośnieniem nie ma. Chyba zostanie prezydentem, jeszcze tylko do luku bagażowego Boeinga musi wleźć. Jumbo Jet z niego…
JKM: „Zapamiętajcie – to nie alkohol plącze politykom języki i zniekształca przemówienia. Robi to sprzęt dźwiękowy. ;)”
Ciężkie czasy dla „oszwiate”:
Śniadanie na trawie – w Watykanie: Paczamama i Partner.
Friday Funnies: Tent University and useful idiots. MEMy.
Friday Funnies: Tent University
and useful idiots
Last week’s episode of FALL OUT included a segment from Dr. Brooke Miller’s cattle ranch.
“New EPA Rule Will Bankrupt Small Cattle Ranchers & Meat Processors”
Świętujemy 20 lat w UE. MEMY.