Sunday Strip: Look Over There! Squirrel, tennis ball, bacon!

Sunday Strip: Look Over There! Squirrel, tennis ball, bacon!

Robert W Malone MD, MS Sep 15, 2024

Remember the crickets…

We are smart enough to figure out that this is precisely what he was speaking about.

JP manages to synthesize and distill the entire debate in five minutes.

Friday Funnies: This Isn’t my Party

Friday Funnies: This Isn’t my Party

Who invited Muir?

Robert W Malone MD, MS Sep 13, 2024

The Lizard people were out in force!

War is peace.

Socialism is Joy.

Inflation is not a Tax.

This is not AI.

In 2018, Kamala Harris joked about killing Donald Trump on the Ellen show.

[ swift boating is a pejorative American neologism used to describe an unfair or untrue political attack. md]

Sunday Strip: What Makes us human? Traffic lights, happy trails, or beans and toast?

Sunday Strip: What Makes us human?

Traffic lights, happy trails, or beans and toast?

Robert W Malone MD, MS Sep 08, 2024

(Click on an image to expand.)

When Royal Air Force pilots discovered chocolate-coated marshmallow teacakes expanded at high altitudes, they became “the subject of some rather unscientific in-flight experiments” in the 1950s.

Air crews removed their silver foil packaging and perched them around the cabin for observation: The marshmallows swelled as pressure changed. Eventually, they became too big to eat in one bite. ⁠⁠

Many noted that, despite the extreme physical effects, the expansion didn’t compromise the taste. ⁠⁠

But the expanding teacakes’ fame was short-lived. After a period of marshmallow fever aboard the V-Bombers departing from Gaydon air base, an explosion put a stop to the fun. ⁠

During the summer of 1965, a captain and student pilot forgot they had placed unwrapped teacakes above their instrument panels. When the captain pulled an emergency depressurizing switch during a training mission, the treats erupted. ⁠

Shards of chocolate and marshmallow hit the windshield, flight controls, and the mens’ uniforms. Shortly thereafter, the RAF put marshmallows on their no-fly list.

Via Dull Men’s Community

Dam, these things are gettin gud!


Happy Trails to you!

Friday Funnies: Redneck Wizard

Friday Funnies: Redneck Wizard

Plexiglass Wars and the upcoming jab mandate anniversary

Robert W Malone MD, MS Sep 06, 2024

#PsyWar !!

Cause and effect:

In California, home of big tech, minimum wage is raised so much, that fast food joints can’t afford to hire low wage workers (primarily teens, in their first job).

So, expedited development of robotics capabilities for automated fast food joints happens. Being developed in the same state that has raised minimum wages to $20 an hour.


The meme above should read: “Dear Government” – not “Dear Plexiglass”

Point well taken… If plexiglass worked to stop aerosol transmission – shouldn’t gloves, a Tyvek suit, and disinfectant have been used in between each and every customer? Given the fears of public health personnel, wasn’t it more likely chance that the cashier being “Typhoid Mary” and causing rampant disease, than the other way around?

It always felt to me like that plexiglass was there to protect the checker, not the customer – when, in fact, it should have been the other way around.

And in order to protect “us” – the vast majority of people entering into a retail establishment, they would have had to do a heck of a lot more than a sheet of plexiglass.

But besides all that, the overblown fear of this disease – was just that. Fearporn. Disaster Cronyism. Psychological Bioterrorism. None of this was needed.

Was this all group think by public officials?

Or… was this all fearporn? Put on for the benefit of the public?

This is most excellent.

Who is Robert Malone is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Shameless self promotion….

Buy the book here. Shipping October 08, and I am working my butt off now recording the audiobook.

Read it and armor yourself just in case Harris/Walz win.

Friday Funnies: Rebranding in Progress

Friday Funnies: Rebranding in Progress

“Emotional Support Tim” to the rescue.

Robert W Malone MD, MS Aug 30, 2024

OK – once you get it, this meme is laugh-out-loud funny… and also more than a little rude.

Pre-order your copy from Amazon –

PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order

OK, I can’t leave it here.

My photographic evidence that birds, are in fact, dinosaurs.

Sunday Strip for today: The Meme Police. Totalitarian frogs enforcing the new world order.

Sunday Strip: The Meme Police.

Totalitarian frogs enforcing the new world order

Robert W Malone MD, MS Aug 25, 2024

Doe – the female of animals such as the deer or rabbit


We can not comply, but the path back to freedom for this country is going to be difficult.


(Pre-orders available now at Amazon)


Liberation. Old Sunday Strip II.

Sunday Strip


Robert W Malone MD, MS

Finally, for the Russell Brand fans – this video isn’t exactly roll on the floor funny but it does raise good points about what is going on in these messed up times…(and Brand is always entertaining).

”So, I’m Right-Wing Now?”

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Friday Funnies: Lipstick on a Pig. Świetne !

Friday Funnies: Lipstick on a Pig

The Enthronement of Queen Kamala

Robert W Malone MD, MS Aug 23, 2024

“Et tu, Brute?”

No matter where you stand, this is a glimpse into our future. Things are about to get very weird…

(Stay Tuned for my essay on Bobby later today)

PsyWar (click on the title for pre-purchase)

A warning for us all.

Kamala may be flip-flopping now, but…

Take for example, Prime Minister Keir Starmer. He became Prime Minister of the UK on July 5, 2024. Less than two months ago.
Once in power, his true nature and agenda have become apparent.

On the other hand, you can just enjoy the song – Dominc Frisby – is darn funny.


Windows : Please enter your new password.

User : cabbage

Windows : Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters.

User : boiled cabbage

Windows : Sorry, the password must contain at least 1 numerical character.

User : 1 boiled cabbage

Windows : Sorry, the password must not have blank spaces.

User : 50bloodyboiledcabbages

Windows : Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character.

User : 50BLOODYboiledcabbages

Windows : Sorry, the password must not have cosecutive capital letters.

User : 50BloodyBoiledCabbagesYouStupidIdiotGiveMeAccessNow!

Windows : Sorry, the password cannot contain a special character.

User : IWillHuntYouDown50BloodyBoiledCabbagesYouStupidIdiotGiveMeAccessNow

Windows : Sorry, this password is already in use.

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