
Another great “rapper” video from Hi-Rez.
“Who is Robert Malone” is a reader-supported publication. Please consider a paid donation to support our work.
Based on the votes this week, it appears that it isn’t just Democrats trampling on the flag…
p” for our horse breeding business.
The above is easy to say, not so easy to live by.
But we must all try to resist what is happening in our nation.
The cyberstalking and cyberbullying in this culture is sickening, and they are working to help the government to control us all. By demeaning others, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and harassing, we have lost focus on the real enemy.
Online hate has become a very successful business model.
Tyranny is winning worldwide. And frankly, I am really getting tired of the constant on-line personal attacks, lies, defamation and hate.
This little illustrated video relates to much of the cyberstalking and bullying that is going on. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
[guacamole to doskonała pasta z awokado i cytryny, przepis w guglach. MD]
But it gets worse…
(The clips with Biden below are almost too embarrassing to watch)
“I Made It Clear To Israelis – Don’t Move on Haifa.”
(You know, Haifa – that city in Israel…)
Factchecked: True.
Most of us intuitively know that Trump is being persecuted. But let’s take the above case, which is being prosecuted by the state of New York.
The facts: Trump was charged in 2023 with falsifying business records to hide alleged hush money payments made in 2014 or 2015. This indictment was made almost a decade after the alleged crime took place and almost four years after this case could have been brought to trial. The case is weak at best, with no credible witnesses.
The state of NY waited until the presidential election was well underway before conducting their kangaroo court. Timing is everything.
This is what Banana republics do…
It might be time to retire when…
Przepraszam, ten kot ułożony z bananów to przez pomyłkę. Ale pomysłowy, nie?
To mogę Ci jeszcze podesłać inne tego typu pomysły 🙂
Dodaję. Ożywić tę trumienkę !
This is a Remy video from seven years ago, I must say – it has aged well.
(Personally – I would use the term “indoctrinated”, rather than ignorant).
No comment…
z sejmu:
Nadeszła era sztucznej inteligencji w mediach i rozrywce
EPA’s new emissions standards for heavy-duty trucks will effectively require that electric semi-trucks make up an increasing share of manufacturer sales from 2027 through 2032, similar to its recent rule for passenger cars. The difference is that the truck mandate is even more costly and fanciful.
EVs make up less than 1% of U.S. heavy-duty truck sales, and nearly all are in California, which heavily subsidizes and mandates their purchase. EPA’s rule will require electric models to account for 60% of new urban delivery trucks and 25% of long-haul tractor sales by 2032 (WSJ).
This EV truck mandate on manufacturers is not feasible. EV big rigs and commercial vehicles will need to make more stops for charging, will not be able to carry heavy weights and there are no charging stations available for commercial vehicles. This will drive up the cost of goods throughout the USA, as well as making farm, manufacturing more expensive – which equals less demand for product.
At this time, there is not even a single long-haul tractor truck on the market, and yet 25% of them are now supposed to be EVS?
Biden officials who have pushed these new mandates are well aware of damage they are doing, but believe that in the name of “climate change” it is justified. This will reduce the American standard of living and limit economic growth. Weaponizing government agencies to push activist agendas is especially detrimental to the American political system and must stop.
The issue of bribing students just prior to the election is real.
The Administration is essentially turning college into an open-ended, taxpayer-financed entitlement by canceling loans on the installment plan. It even boasts that it has already “approved $146 billion in student debt relief for 4 million Americans through more than two dozen executive actions.” That’s $36,500 per borrower. It’s good to be the King.
The Supreme Court ruled last year that Mr. Biden’s cancelation of $10,000 to $20,000 per borrower exceeded his authority under the 2003 Heroes Act, which allows the executive to “modify” loan terms in an emergency. The Administration “modified” loans, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, in the “same sense that ‘the French Revolution “modified” the status of the French nobility.’”
An Administration official said late Sunday its new plans “involve different considerations” and use “different legal authority.” It invokes the Higher Education Act, which lets the Education Secretary “compromise” or “waive” claims. The Administration says its new plan is targeted even as it boasts about its scale.
Mr. Biden’s new loan forgiveness is still illegal. The High Court stressed that student loan forgiveness is a major question that requires clear authorization from Congress. But Mr. Biden seems to believe he can jam the courts by automatically forgiving debt before a judge has time to stop him.
The White House says most borrowers won’t even have to apply for loan relief. Sometime before the November election, Mr. Biden will simply declare their debt forgiven. That means a future Congress and a President Trump might be unable to undo the lawless act. Where are the press scolds who warn about a President who threatens democracy?(From the WSJ).
Here is the link to the above essay.
Finally, one of the most inspirational horsemen of our time, Lorenzo!
For those that wish to watch more, here is his video archive page.
12.04.2024 impreza-w-sejmie
To Łukasz Mejza był gospodarzem słynnej imprezy, która postawiła na nogi Straż Marszałkowską i pół hotelu sejmowego – dodnosi se.pl – Pewnie do straży zgłosiły nas jakieś sztywniaki z Lewicy – twierdzi poseł PiS-u.
Imprezę z udziałem młodych posłów PiS-u zakończyła w nocy ze środy na czwartek (z 10 kwietnia na 11 kwietnia) interwencja Straży Marszałkowskiej.
– Straż Marszałkowska niezwłocznie po otrzymaniu zgłoszenia o zaistniałym na terenie Domu Poselskiego zdarzeniu podjęła interwencję, która okazała się skuteczna – czytamy w oficjalnym piśmie z Kancelarii Sejmu.
– To były dobre pozytywne emocje, z dobrymi pozytywnymi ludźmi. Staropolskim zwyczajem po prostu zaczęliśmy śpiewać, a ja grałem na gitarze. Cieszę się, że moje umiejętności artystyczne, instrumentalne, jak i wokalne zostały tak szeroko docenione – tłumaczy Mejza. – Pewnie zgłosiły nas jakieś sztywniaki z Lewicy. Ze Strażą Marszałkowską odbyliśmy bardzo kulturalną rozmowę. Powiedzieli, żeby pamiętać o innych gościach w hotelu.
W skład wesołej sejmowego chóru wchodzili jeszcze między innymi: Kamil Bortniczuk i Dariusz Matecki. Posłowie śpiewali przeróbkę hitu Myslovitz pt. „Peggy Brown”.
W nowej wersji zespołu “Letni Chamski Podryw” bohaterem utworu jest Grzegorz Braun i jego historia gaszenia świec hanukowych w Sejmie za pomocą gaśnicy.
“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
―Silence Dogood, likely pseudonym of Benjamin Franklin.
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“Seldom do people think things through foolishly. More often, they do not bother to think things through at all, so that even highly intelligent individuals can reach untenable conclusions because their brainpower means little if it is not deployed and applied.”
– Thomas Sowell
[A gdzie mąż? Tak sama…?? On powinien bronić… Trzymać parasol… ]