Army doctor: “I’ve seen a career’s worth of serious medical problems in the last 2 years–it’s all caused by the COVID vaccine”
If you want to know whether the shots were safe and effective or not, all you have to do is pick up the phone and call an army doctor.
Some army doctors are willing to talk about what is really going on. But most want to keep their jobs. I couldn’t find one willing to speak publicly, but I found one who’d talk to me if his identity was kept secret.

Executive summary
If the COVID vaccines worked, the military doctors would be showing us the stats of how COVID deaths were at a high rate before the shots rolled out and then diminished right after the shots were deployed.
I spoke to a military doctor to learn the truth. I made just one phone call.
What I learned was absolutely stunning.
There is no doubt that these vaccines have
Here are some of the highlights from my conversation with a military doctor who has asked to remain anonymous so he/she can keep his job.
Conversation highlights

All are outtakes from what he told me:
- Around 4,000 service members at my base.
- Primarily young males with no history of medical problems.
- I’ve seen more adverse events in just the last 2 years alone than I’ve seen in the past 30 years as an army doctor/medic.
- The rate of adverse events are up to 100X more than normal for many categories. I’ve been doing this for 30 years now and I know what normal is.The rate is the expected number of events in 30 years per 4,000 soldiers. The post shot rate is the extrapolated 30 year rate from the last 2 years of data. The ratio shows the increase so 115 means 115X higher rate than normal. We have a serious problem here, but the officers are afraid to tell their commanding officers the truth that this is caused by the COVID vaccines. Note that unexplained deaths means deaths not caused by drug overdose, suicide, accidents, etc.
- Today, 85 soldiers are now medically unfit to train; only 5 or 6 will be able to go back to training. So we will be 30 people short on pilots alone. That is a huge problem. They don’t realize that yet because they are thinking most of these people will be able to resume training. Normally it would only be 4 or 5 that wouldn’t be able to return to duty. 85 people in “close hold” (medical hold) is unprecedented. So 80 that don’t return vs. 4 (in a typical year) is a 20X increase in the number of disabled people. This is unsustainable.
- The surgeon above me (my boss) asked me “Why do we have so much medical attrition?” I told him it was the shots and went through the data with him. He said, “There is no way on God’s green earth that I will convey that to the General. The vaccines are safe!”
- When I came to this unit in 2021, the retention rate was 90%, i.e., people who opted to stay in after their service is over. Today, just 3 years later, the retention rate is 17%, due to the sickness caused by the COVID shots.
- We aren’t going to have a fighting army in 5 years. These shots are devastating our force. It’s unsustainable.
- Every medic in my section (20 people), would tell you “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
- The people who do “transition assistance” (transition to non-military life) told me that they’ve never seen so many people with so many complex medical problems. Most of the soldiers tell them that the medical problems started after they were vaccinated with the COVID vaccine.
- The high rates of serious injury is now becoming the new normal! People are going to forget how it was before the vaccines. Strokes and cardiac arrests in the enlisted members were non-existent before the COVID vaccines; now they are common place.
- They will wipe my computer when I leave so there is no evidence left. They also prohibit any sharing of the evidence. All these emails and all these stories I’ve collected will be permanently destroyed.
- Vaccines aren’t mandated today, but they tell you to get into line to get your vaccines. There is enormous peer pressure to comply with the request.
- I don’t know what will happen if nobody is held accountable for what has happened.
- Since shots rolled out, we’ve had 5 vax related deaths, all in men: one with PE, other 4 were deaths from cardiac arrest. 2 cardiac arrest cases were resuscitated; otherwise the number would be 7 dead.
- We are still having people with ischemic strokes (3 years later). They are all ischemic strokes.
- I’ve had 4 people with afib but they had no risk factors. These are all young 20-year-olds with no cardiac history getting afib. That’s insane. Before the shots, I might see …. cases in 10 years.
- Many many tumors, many blood pressure issues.
- I’ve seen 5 cases of pericarditis and 2 myocarditis cases. But they don’t want a cardiac MRI so we can’t get a definitive diagnosis. They cancel the MRI I ordered.
- If you did a cardiac MRI on 100 pilots, I bet 20% to 30% would have scars on their heart. But they won’t do the tests. They don’t want to know. This is horrific for both the people flying the aircraft as well as the cost of losing aircraft.
- Two years ago, the DoD sent in 34,000 VAERS reports with 119 deaths from the vaccine of servicemembers. We had only 23 active duty service members died from COVID across the whole DoD over 3 years (out of 1.2M active duty servicemembers). Think about it… 30 service members a MONTH commit suicide. COVID wasn’t even close to being in the top 10 of things killing servicemembers. Why would we risk vaccinating everyone for a problem that was so insignificant? It makes no sense. And the deaths caused by the vaccine were 5X higher than the deaths from COVID.
- Our 23 COVID deaths are honest because there was no financial incentive to report deaths as COVID deaths.
- I had two cases of Huntington’s in just 1 week! Normally I might see one case in a lifetime.
- We had 2 heart attacks in just one morning in soldiers under 30. Before the vaccine, in the last 30 years, I’ve never seen a single case like that.
- We’ve had a record number of mishaps.
- Not a single vaccinated female has been able to give birth! 10/10 were miscarriages. Before the vaccine, I’d see only 1 miscarriage in 20 pregnancies.
- The numbers aren’t getting better.
- I’m seeing a lot of cancer, especially turbo cancer. So a soldier will have a clean history and all of a sudden develop stage 4 cancer. I’ve never seen this before in my medical career. For example, had one patient with both Stage 4 lymphoma + acute heart failure in a 19 year old with no previous medical conditions. That’s insane.
- Every one of the enlisted soldiers knows someone who suffered a horrific side effect of the vaccine.
- We had 7 soldiers with ischemic strokes in the last 2 years. This is unheard of. I’ve been doing this for 30 years now and never seen strokes in anyone under 50 before the COVID shots rolled out.
- We had 3 soldiers go blind after getting the shots. One of them was an incredible athlete before the shots. Now his life is completely decimated. He’s on lifelong disability and they pay him just $2,000 a month compensation for what they did to him. If he speaks out, they could take that away. It is so gut wrenching what we are doing to these kids. And it’s all for no benefit because these shots actually increase the risk of getting COVID.
- We had a just a handful of COVID cases before vax rolled out. Post rollout, 406 got COVID; but only 7 of those were unvaccinated. We had an 80% vaccination rate at the time. So there is no question that the vaccines are making it more likely that soldiers will get COVID.
- We’ve never had a COVID death before the vaccines rolled out so what problem are we trying to solve here? We’ve killed 5 soldiers, seriously injured hundreds, and saved none from a COVID death. This is insane. How can anyone claim the benefits outweigh the risks?
- Did you know when you enlist, they give you the entire vaccine schedule over again just to be sure, even if you’ve already been fully vaccinated?
- They used to ridicule me when I’d bring this up at meetings. Now, when a serious adverse event occurs on the base, people just look my way and nod.
- We had a soldier with a 12cm blood clot in his leg. He had no risk factors. All people with clots had zero risk factors.
- We are decimating the readiness of our military with these shots and we are permanently destroying the lives of these innocent young people.
- The soldiers know the shots are bad but are taking them because of peer pressure to “follow orders.”
- I looked in the DMED database and vision loss is 4 to 8 standard deviations above the mean after the shots rolled out.
- I warned a General that we’d see a pilot have a cardiac arrest while flying. Two weeks later, it happened. He now believes me, but won’t say anything because he doesn’t want to lose his job or pension. They are all scared.
- We are treating these soldiers so badly. I’m not having my kids enlist. It’s going to be hard to recruit kids in the future after people learned how we’ve harmed these kids. The longer this keeps going, the worse it will be.
- What they are doing is criminal. They know these shots are killing people and they just let it happen. There is no possibility they don’t know.
- The Surgeon General of the Army is responsible for monitoring for adverse events but she said she has no responsibility to warn anyone about what she finds. She’s allowed to keep it all secret from the enlisted soldiers and the doctors.
- They no longer require people to take the COVID jabs, so that’s a move in the right direction, but we are still paying a huge price for our earlier mistakes.
- There is no informed consent. Soldiers are just told to take the shots and not told about the risks.
- In normal times, just a few of these incidents would have been sufficient to halt the jabs. Yet today, there is no limit to the harm we are willing to inflict on those who choose to enlist to serve their county.
You don’t need to analyze complicated datasets.
All anyone in Congress needs to do to find the truth is talk to an honest Army doctor like I just did. All the records are there, but the military isn’t going to hand it over without a fight.
All Joe Biden has to to learn the truth do is pick up the phone and talk to my army doctor. He would learn he made a huge mistake and caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans. So he’s just never going to pick up the phone and find out the truth.