hey lied about the origins of Covid
They lied about covid death statistics
They lied that there was no treatment (go home and if you turn blue then go to hospital)
They lied about the ventilators & Remdesivir
They lied that the hospitals were overflowing (while they choreographed Tiktok dance routines)
They lied about the masks
They lied about the lockdowns
They lied to prevent family visiting dying relatives
They lied about outdoor transmission
They lied about Ivermectin, HCQ, Zinc & Vit D
They lied about the efficacy of the vaccines
They lied about the safety of the vaccines
They lied to try and hide their data for 75 years
They lied to hide the extent of the vaccine injuries
They lied by even calling the shots ‘vaccines’
They lied about the need for “vaccine passports”
They lied to try and justify human rights abusive vaccine mandates
They lied about the rates of myocarditis
They lied about the excess deaths
They lied when they claimed they were “following the science”
And to cover-up their lies, anyone that tried to debate the evidence or the science was labelled an “anti-vax granny killer” and censored. And they had an army of gullible useful idiots that swallowed every lie – hook, line & sinker https://theaustralian.com.au/weekend-australian-magazine/covid-coverup-wuhan-lab-leak-suspicions-anthony-fauci-and-how-the-science-was-silenced/news-story/3e2669c7983b6a66a2bcc535c1e4c6be
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