Oto urzędowy, bezczelny BEŁKOT:

A tu – już konkrety…

[Trwają już ponad dwa tysiące lat... md]

Nadczłowiek z PO:

Oto urzędowy, bezczelny BEŁKOT:
A tu – już konkrety…
[Trwają już ponad dwa tysiące lat... md]
Nadczłowiek z PO:
Sodoma w Niemczech:
[Bo paraliż postępowy najzacniejsze trafia głowy.. Boy]
Chodzi oczywiście o Wiarę, bo swoją, diabelską „religię” oni maja..
Actually, most of the republican politicians have become part of the uniparty. I don’t think that “picking a side” is necessarily the answer.
Personally, I find myself identifying as a constitutionalist (with a large “C”) and as a conservative. I honestly wonder if the republican party completely represents either of these political and economic viewpoints anymore.
Being forced to pick a “side,” to fight socialism – as this meme suggests, means sidelining many important issues and the fact that the uniparty is supporting globalism and the United Nations. The UN/WEF is driving towards a new world order based around fascism (corporatism) and socialism (a global command economy).
There is no question that the republican party needs an overhaul to get in line with most of the people they pretend to represent.
When did advocating for small towns and values become racist?
Of the nation’s 328.2 million people, an estimated 206.9 million (about 63%) lived in an incorporated place as of July 1, 2019. About 76% of the approximately 19,500 incorporated places had fewer than 5,000 people. Of those, almost 42% had fewer than 500 people.
On the other hand, only 4.0% (780) of all cities had a population of 50,000 or more in 2019, yet nearly 39% of the U.S. population (127.8 million) live in those cities.
As the UN works to make “smart cities” the wave of the future, remember that in the USA – the “wave” may just be small towns.
The biggest cities in the USA are decreasing in population, not growing!
As people leave large cities, they need to understand and integrate into less populous areas. Areas with traditions and ways that work for the communities there. That means strong values and a sense of belonging.
With the internet allowing remote work, people may actually be able to settle into an area without having to move again and again for a new job. That means, churches, communities, neighbors and local organizations have work to do. That is to help people integrate into a new community, to help newcomers absorb the new culture that they are now embedded into, and to become productive members of that area and its communities.
This is my hope for our country. That we are taking it back, person by person. With tact and understanding, we can all work to can change minds. Jason Aldean’s great song is working magic. The movie Sound of Freedom is also changing minds. But ordinary people, like you are me are making a difference too. It is the movable middle that are the hope of this great country. It seems like everyday we can all feel that cultural shift. People are waking up that there IS a better way. That strong values are important. Change is afoot.
But it is true that there are also plenty of excellent people who live in large cities. They also must work to make their cities less prone to violence, crime, drugs, poverty and filth.
One last little point – rural America is a diverse place. It is not all “white” – hence, the song above is not speaking about “race,” but a way of life. The critics need to get a clue.
W Estonii pojawił się pomnik Wołodymyra Zełenskiego wykonany z piasku w formie Statuy Wolności, zdjęcie rzeźby zamieściła na Twitterze premier Kaja Kallas.
14 lipca: Estońska policja zatrzymała mężczyznę, który staranował samochodem piaskowy pomnik prezydenta Ukrainy Wołodymyra Zełenskiego w mieście Torva. Samochód najpierw ominął instalację, by chwilę później wrócić i z „dużą siłą” uderzyć w figurę
Uwaga : 14 lipca 2023:
Australia zmaga się obecnie z piątą falą COVID-19
Mieszkaniec Australii obsesyjnie obawiający się zakażenia koronawirusem zamieszkał w „hermetycznym” namiocie z filtrem powietrza po tym, gdy jego partnerka zrezygnowała ze środków ostrożności…
Krytykować – to znaczy dowieść autorowi, że nie robi tego tak, jak bym ja to zrobił, gdybym potrafił
Ukradliście moje marzenia i dzieciństwo – jak śmieliście!!!
Wir haben es satt…
In Vienna, words not necessary
In Vienna, words not necessary 👇 pic.twitter.com/XVSQ95Cruj
— Sprinter Observer (@SprinterObserve) July 3, 2023
48,5 tys. Wyświetlenia
O zboczonych pingwinach. Dla małych dzieci książeczka.
Ich poglądy się nie różnią? Ten po prawej – znany pedryl, Freddie Mercury.
mail od inżyniera: Może być staruszka, na cmentarzu.. Lubimy takie sytuacje… Byle biała.
This one struck home. Late last night, an animal dug under the chicken tractor (a mobile chicken coop), dragged out a chicken and had dinner. Most likely – not a fox but a raccoon, weasel or ermine This creature is a little too athletic for a fox. They/them crawled under the coop, climbed into the nest box up high, grabbed the chicken and dragged it out. As I knew animal predator was a risk, as I hadn’t put chicken wire on the bottom of the new coop yet – and gosh darn- it was a job I needed to take care of. So, I feel responsible. Today’s chores include moving the chickens back into their old coop to live with the peacock. Then at some point, retrofitting the chicken tractor – so that they can free range during the day.
I hate is growing up poultry, only to feed the local predator population. It is not a “good feeling”. Chickens, as long as they aren’t stressed for space are gentle creatures – and I have a real soft spot for them. Such is life on the farm. Bad things do happen.
Then there is Max the emu. He likes to cruz around while I work on Substack articles.
The horror for me this morning was that for five minutes, I thought we lost Max too. See, Max has an almost pathological need to be with us or the dogs (guineas and chickens won’t do). Last night, Max went into the laundry room as usual, when we got home – with towels on the floor so he doesn’t slip and a baby gate. Well…, in his frantic desire to be with his “herd,” he jumped the baby gate (twice) and he wanted to be back outside again. So, Jill let him out for the night. He is getting to be a big bird – and holds his own with pretty much everything here on the farm.
When I discovered the pile of feathers from the presumed dead chicken this morning, I was out calling for Max. He didn’t come immediately and the sadness was overwhelming. Going in to tell Jill that not only was a chicken gone, but so was Max was painful. Luckily, she went outside – called Max with a “beep-beep-beep” – which is his echolocation call, and he came running to greet her. His usual happy, if mouthy self.
But no more outside for Max at night!
We will have to find a new night solution for Max. I think Jill intends to try introducing him to the peacock and the chickens in the big coop… So, stay tuned.
Poultry drama! It never ends…
Yeh – this is important.
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Horizon Air Services:
Tak sobie “Джентельмены” rozmawiają…
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