The British banned the importation of firearms and gunpowder to the American colonies in October 1774, in response to the Boston Tea Party. The import restriction on weapons and ammunition as well as subsequent attempts at confiscation, were key points of contention between the colonists and the crown. The banning and confiscating of weaponry is considered one of the main drivers of the American Revolution.
More truth.
The word democracy is not in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, or the U.S. Constitution. This is because the Founding Fathers were skeptical of direct democracy, due to a concern about the potential for a “tyranny of the majority.” So, our system was designed to be a representative democracy where citizens elect representatives to govern on their behalf. We live in a constitutional republic.
If Musk and Vivek can actually actually get DOGE to work as intended – it would truly be epoch.
OK – Gaetz looking in from the window is pretty funny.
For a view on what woke women really think about men and society – read the article. Which was published in 2020.
But it is more fun to, to just go to the comments section –
A sampling:
“Plenty of men won’t date or even talk to woke women. I’m training my sons to not even speak to girls that exhibit any signs of the disease.”
“It’s one thing to advocate for legal equality, social respect, and all-around fair treatment. No problem with that whatsoever. It’s quite another to become yammering, obnoxious, grating, lecturing fools.”
‘I’m extremely concerned at the lack of self-reflection in this article”
“UHHHHhhhh the reason why feminism doesn’t win over men is because feminism changed from a “we want equal rights” movement in the 1920’s to a “All men are bad unless they are our slaves” movement in modern times.”
Russell Brand and I had a wide-ranging discussion this week. The podcast is an hour long – so there is lots of good stuff packed in that interview! As usual, Russell was funny, insightful, and great fun to chat with!
For those that aren’t on X, Peanut was a squirrel rescued as a baby seven years ago, and raised in captivity by Mark Longo. Peanut (and Mark) became an Instagram sensation with over a half million followers. Peanut lived with another rescued pet named Fred, who was a raccoon.
Mark runs a non-profit animal rescue and sanctuary. Someone decided to report Mark to NY State authorities for this.
The New York State police raided Mark’s home this week:
A total of 10 officers raided his house
He and his wife were not allowed to use bathroom alone
He was not allowed to feed his other rescue animals
They interrogated his wife about her immigration status
There were search warrants from 4 bureaucratic departments, including FISA.
This week, despite massive public outcry – both Peanut and Fred were murdered by the New York State Environmental police. Their crime was living in captivity.
To be clear: “Based on the search results, it is extremely rare for squirrels to contract rabies. The data suggests that squirrels are not considered vectors of rabies and have never been known to transmit the disease to humans.”
In the end, this is not about a squirrel. It is all about government overreach, illegal and overbearing search and seizure, arbitrary and capricious bureaucracies.
Has our republic really been reduced to murdering pet squirrels?
God save America
Get out and vote for Peanut…
Ah, yes, the Federal Reserve. A future Substack topic, to be sure.
Somehow, I missed this, Remy – It is close enough to Halloween to still be funny, though!
Former CBS News staffers are demanding an independent investigation into “60 Minutes” over the brewing Kamala Harris interview scandal — even as the network digs in its heels and refuses to release the full, unedited transcript, The Post has learned.
The long-running news show has come under fire after allegedly cleaning up the Democratic presidential candidate’s answer to a question from “60 Minutes” correspondent Bill Whitaker about Israel that aired during a special episode on Monday.
Her reply was starkly different from the “word salad” the vice president served up in a clip to promote the interview shown by “Face the Nation” the day before.
“I think there should be an outside investigation,” one former CBS News journalist told The Post on Thursday. “Obviously, there’s a problem here. If they care about journalistic integrity, they would conduct an investigation or release the full transcript.”
I watched this video with trepidation. Howver, it has 6.4 million views in a week – so, I thought, “maybe something is here?”
Yep! A Saturday Night Live skit that is actually hilarious!
(With U.S. debt now at $35.3 trillion, the cost of the interest bill alone on all that borrowing is about $3 billion a day. A quick calculation: the USA is paying out over a trillion in interest this year. This is our money folks.)
Democrats: the failure the Biden Administration to initiate a proportional rescue effort in the wake of Hurricane Helene means Kamala Harris is unfit for high office. Voting for her is indefensible. Americans are in desperate need of help THAT WE HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR. Withholding it is diabolical. -Bret Weinstein
When Royal Air Force pilots discovered chocolate-coated marshmallow teacakes expanded at high altitudes, they became “the subject of some rather unscientific in-flight experiments” in the 1950s.
Air crews removed their silver foil packaging and perched them around the cabin for observation: The marshmallows swelled as pressure changed. Eventually, they became too big to eat in one bite.
Many noted that, despite the extreme physical effects, the expansion didn’t compromise the taste.
But the expanding teacakes’ fame was short-lived. After a period of marshmallow fever aboard the V-Bombers departing from Gaydon air base, an explosion put a stop to the fun.
During the summer of 1965, a captain and student pilot forgot they had placed unwrapped teacakes above their instrument panels. When the captain pulled an emergency depressurizing switch during a training mission, the treats erupted.
Shards of chocolate and marshmallow hit the windshield, flight controls, and the mens’ uniforms. Shortly thereafter, the RAF put marshmallows on their no-fly list.
If you think the meme below is just another conspiracy theory, please familiarize yourself with the 1974 Kissinger Report and then maybe re-evaluate your position.
Truthfully, I think a lot of the virus-denier stuff is just trollery.
UK News:
BREAKING: The Reform UK party has overtaken the Conservatives in the polls.
My friend Nigel Farage has asked me to create a video message to support him that reminds everyone that he has been calling for a public inquiry into vaccine harms since January 2023, which is true. I am honored and will put the video together later today.
In the meantime, enjoy this little video “montage” of Mr. WEF himself! That is, Rishi Sunak, the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the “Conservative Party” since 2022.
But to call Sunak the leader of the Conservative Party is akin to believing that Mitch McConnell is the leader of the Conservative Party in the USA.
The Conservative Party in the UK is no longer conservative and needs to be replaced. And at this point, Mr. Farage is the only person who can take out the WEF trash!
Subscribe to Who is Robert Malone
By Robert W Malone MD · Tens of thousands of paid subscribers
A month ago, we had a lot more chickens than we do now ( a certain hawk is getting very creative in her hunting techniques), and the eggs piled up on baskets in the kitchen. As the big incubator was empty, on a whim – we threw them all in. Sixty plus eggs in all. That was exactly three weeks ago.
Well, starting a couple of days ago -those eggs started to hatch and hatch and hatch. There is a total of 36 chicks so far. These chicks are all a breed called Whiting True Blue, which lays a blue egg and are prolific layers – so finding homes for the extra chicks should not be a problem. Another chore on the list though. But baby chickens are the best.
Today, we have to drive to Fredericksburg to attend an event in support of a true patriot, Cameron Hamilton, who is running for the Virginia Congress -7th district.
~ Charlene and Ty Bollinger have been writing and reporting on cancer, as well as censorship and propaganda for years. They explore and report on alternative therapies. They have recently moved over to Substack – please consider checking out their site.
The brainwashing of our youth – by social media corporations is out of control. Unfortunately, for all of us – it isn’t going to stop.
“We know best. We are going to remake the world. We are going to reshape kids around the world”
The government has a remedy for this type of unlawful business practice. The 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act has bee utilized many times to break up monopolies. The Sherman Act outlaws:
“every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade,” and any “monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize.”
Google is out of control. They have not only monopolized the internet, they have monopolized the control of advertising. Both business strategies are being challenged by the DOJ in two separate lawsuits. Meta is also being sued for unfair business practices, as it has gobbled up its competitors in a series of buy-outs.
Or you might be watching MSM exclusively and using Google as your search engine.
“Who is Robert Malone” is a reader supported publication. To receive this Substack in your email on an almost daily basis, please consider a free or paid subscription.
„Moderna ogłasza pozytywne wyniki badań Fazy 1 nad szczepionką przeciwko sezonowej grypie, opartą na technologii mRNA” – tak głosi tytuł najnowszego prasowego komunikatu tej firmy farmaceutycznej, znanej już z produkcji tzw. szczepionek przeciwko Covid-19.
W komunikacie czytamy jakie to osiągnięto wspaniałe rezultaty, jednak poza typowym pijarowym szablonem kryje się ciemniejsza strona tego nowego produktu. O tym przeglądacz tytułów prasowych i konsument czipsów oglądający telewizję nie dowie się jednak, gdyż dla zamkniętego grona inwestorów firma zorganizowała konferencję, na której zaprezentowano wiele dodatkowych danych i wyników tych „pozytywnych badań”. Zwykły widz telewizyjnych programów „informacyjnych” dowiedział się więc o kolejnym sukcesie, lecz inwestorzy otrzymali nieco inny obraz, który wydaje się doskonale zrozumieli – po konferencji akcje Moderny spadły o 15 punktów.
Oprócz inwestorów, również tacy naukowcy jak dr Robert Malone wychwycili te „wspaniałe wieści” z badań. Dr Malone wskazał na wykresy opracowane na podstawie przedstawionych przez producenta danych, szczególnie dotyczące skutków ubocznych tej nowej szczepionki mRNA.
Dowiadujemy się więc, że przy dawce 100 mikrogramów (odpowiadającej obecnej „szczepionce przeciwko Covid-19” firmy Moderna) tej nowej szczepionki przeciwko sezonowej grypie, 92% pacjentów miało skutki uboczne, w porównaniu do 33% osób, którym podano placebo! Dotyczy to grupy wiekowej powyżej 50 lat, zaś dla młodszych – 15-50 lat – jest ona szkodliwa dla 90,5%, w porównaniu do 30%, którym podano placebo.
Chyba nie trzeba nikomu tłumaczyć tych wyników badań: niemal wszyscy ich uczestnicy mieli skutki uboczne!
Można spodziewać się, że w przyszłości tego typu informacje nie będą przekazywane, ani mediom, ani w zamkniętym gronie, a producent tak przerobi i okroi wyniki badań – jak to uczyniła np. firma Pfizer podczas „badań” nad „szczepionką przeciwko Covid-19” – że wszystko będzie wyglądało na papierze różowo. Następnie nad tymi wynikami „badań” pochyli się agencja FDA, która – zatroskana o nasze zdrowie – zatwierdzi w rekordowym czasie nową genetyczną „szczepionkę przeciwko sezonowej grypie”, bo przecież czas będzie naglił podczas kolejnej, strasznej odmianie sezonowej grypy. Media nas na pewno zaalarmują o wielkiej fali niezwykle śmiertelnej sezonowej grypy, zbiorą się specjalne sztaby „ekspertów” przy jakimś premierze czy prezydencie, a jakiś „Minister Zdrowia” ogłosi, że jej wstrzykiwanie staje się z dniem jutrzejszym obowiązkowe (ale nie przymusowe…).
A co ze skutkami ubocznymi? „Eksperci” nas utwierdzą, że oznaczają one, iż „szczepionka” dobrze się przyjmuje, zaś ewentualne zgony będą świadczyły, że są one zupełnie niezwiązane ze szczepionkami albo są efektem „mutacji wirusa”. Aby się przed nim uchronić trzeba będzie przyjąć „booster”. Oczywiście pomiędzy boosterem „przeciwko Covid”.